Changing The Schedule - Timezone Question

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 30, 2013.

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  1. I personally would love to see the 10pm edt wars rolled back to start at 7-9pm edt, the 6pm wars are all i can currently do.
  2. Well 7 out of 10 wars are for US players.asians cant do it.3 out of those 7 wars are morning.timings for asia but thats on weekdays.shudnt we go to work?start kawing in the morning and then keep kawing whole week?
    just delay the 2am GMT wars a little and remove the 10pm GMT asians can do those.
    ideal timings are 3am GMT(morning for asia and early night for US.
    4pm GMT on weekends is also good.early night for asia and late morning for US
  3. The issue is the significantly unsatisfying times for war, especially for Aus/Asia players, most wars fall in either the very early AM or during school/work hours, my proposal would be too create, double the amount of wars, the current same times, and a new group of times for the aus/Asia demographic!

    I know double the amount of wars means too much mith n rancor n so forth, but to that I say set a restriction, say there's 12 wars a week now, which in my proposal would be changed to 24, a simple fix for people OVER warring would be to limit each persons wars to 12 per week, that way people can still war to the current standard as now, and the other demographic can also war having a fair advantage!

    I did season 1 on my main, at times like 6am, 8am, 12pm, luckily I was able to get 50 rancor due to the vast success of the clan I was in!

    But that was a once off I was sacrificing my sleep, work, life for a game, if it were at more applicable times I would definitely war again!

    Just my two cents
  4. 6 pm gmt please !! Or close to that !
  5. Best post I've seen. /support (top of page 11)
  6. I would prefer you keep the times exactly the way the are; however, if you do change them just change the weekday 10pm edt wars to 6pm edt. Thank you! :D
  7. I like the idea of keeping the current war times where they are, but add additional war times that rotate to accommodate everyone
  8. Support to HoG's post pg 11 . Well thought out with everyone included
  9. Gmt time zone is terrible and usually wrong. Please at least get ot right. And about 8-9 is good gmt time
  10. I agree with Moose ^ but if you can't add more war times, I would prefer you change 10pm edt wars to 6pm edt wars.
  11. Gmt and asian players have only two wars. Pls get us few more wars. Thanks. Just posting for support.
  12. Add 2 more 1 hr wars and a 2 p.m. SGT would be interesting
  13. I agree with horrendous. Plz do something of that sort. Increase the number of wars and restrict casting of woc for each player per week. If increasing number of wars not possible then its clear 5 wars should be for peeps of Asia/auss and 5 for pdt timezone. Everyone should get equal opportunity. Plz do think about us too from nxt time when u post war timing. ty
  14. As a UK player we need more wars around the 8pm week day slots and afternoon early evening weekend times ! Most current wars too late or early for GMT players
  15. Below you will find my proposal of war chages:
    PDT will get 9 decent wars
    EDT will get 8 decent wars
    GMT will get 6 decent wars
    SGT will get 6 decent wars

    And by decent i mean plain simple decent times, not necesarry related to work/school schedule (9am-6pm usually). If i think to those they each get less, like 6 wars per PDT/EDT/GMT and 4 wars for SGT.

    Also if you plan on adding some more wars DO NOT add the War 12 from season 1. That time on a working week is useless. If I remember correct usually 10 clans were signing on to that war anyway.

    Best Regards

    War #1 - War Start Time Shown - KEEP IT AS IT IS
    Duration: 2 hours
    Type: 15 minute KO
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Monday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Monday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Tuesday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Tuesday - 10am-10:30am

    War #2 - War Start Time Shown - MOVE BACK 2 HOURS
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: Random KO 7-12 minutes
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Tuesday - 1pm-1:30pm
    EDT - Tuesday - 4pm-4:30pm
    GMT - Tuesday - 8pm-8:30pm
    SGT - Wednesday - 4am-4:30am

    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: 13 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Wednesday - 9pm-9:30pm
    EDT - Thursday - 00am-00:30am
    GMT - Thursday - 4am-4:30am
    SGT - Thursday - 12pm-12:30pm

    Duration: 2 hours
    15 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Thursday - 12pm-12:30pm
    EDT - Thursday - 3pm-3:30pm
    GMT - Thursday - 7pm-7:30pm
    SGT - Friday - 3am-3:30am

    War #5 - War Start Time Shown - MOVE FORWARD 3 HOURS
    Duration: 2 hours
    Type: 15 minute KO
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Friday - 3pm-3:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 6pm-6:30pm
    GMT - Friday - 10pm-10:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 6am-6:30am

    War #6 - War Start Time Shown - KEEP IT AS IT IS
    *NOTE* Signup time will begin 3pm PDT due to the war start times of War #5
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: 13 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Friday - 7pm-7:30pm
    EDT - Friday - 10pm-10:30pm
    GMT - Saturday - 2am-2:30am
    SGT - Saturday - 10am-10:30am

    War #7 - War Start Time Shown - MOVE FORWARD 1 HOUR
    Duration: 2 hours
    15 minute KO but players can come out 5 minutes early (advantage)
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Saturday - 8am-8:30am
    EDT - Saturday - 11am-11:30am
    GMT - Saturday - 3pm-3:30pm
    SGT - Saturday - 11pm-11:30pm

    War #8 - War Start Time Shown - MOVE FORWARD 3 HOURS
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: Random KO 7-12 minutes
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Saturday - 10pm-10:30pm
    EDT - Sunday - 1am-1:30am
    GMT - Sunday - 5am-5:30am
    SGT - Sunday - 1pm-1:30pm

    War #9 - War Start Time Shown - MOVE FORWARD 3 HOURS
    Duration: 2 hours
    Type: 15 minute KO
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Sunday - 6am-6:30am
    EDT - Sunday - 9am-9:30am
    GMT - Sunday - 1pm-1:30pm
    SGT - Sunday - 9pm-9:30pm

    War #10 - War Start Time Shown - MOVE BACK 2 HOURS
    Duration: 1 hours
    Type: Random KO 7-12 minutes
    Roster Size: Minimum 26, Maximum 29
    PDT - Sunday - 1pm-1:30pm
    EDT - Sunday - 4pm-4:30pm
    GMT - Sunday - 8pm-8:30pm
    SGT - Monday - 4am-4:30am
  16. Other than changing 1 weekday war to an evening war for Asia/aust players and moving war 9 back 1hr, making it more eu/UK friendly, leave them as they are. We don't need more wars, just address the player concerns about the current wars and all wars will be oversubscribed again. Please keep the schedule fixed, so wars can be easily scheduled around real life commitments. Thank you
  17. I'd go with moUse's suggestions but just aim for UK times starting between 8-10 pm would help a lot.
    Same as last season though these discussions happen way to late in the season to help most European players. You have lost a lot of people who wanted to do this season purely because of the schedule which why you changed it from end of season one revised schedule ??
    Should have equal chances for all with a rancour spell casting so you only have limited chances to war in season each week. Also without that cast players who have reached lvl 50 could continue to war without risking losing their lvl 50 to help clan mates that aren't up there yet. Otherwise we get what we had with season one less warring at the end because a lot will not risk losing it just to help others even in their own clan
  18. I would say 10pm gmt, and anything until 1am gmt, the 2am gmt start kinda late
  19. As a USA player I still find it tough to join in most wars. I would actually like the East Coast to have some wars from Midnight to 4am. I would be more than willing to stay up late at night to do them knowing I wont be interrupted by real life stuff. So if you cater more towards Asia / Europe times I think you will find many USA players join in that cant during the prime USA times.

    Weekdays 12PM EST - 1 Hour War
    Weekends 12PM 4AM EST - 2 Hour Wars

    Those times I would most likely make on a consistent basis.
  20. Would love variation!!!! So europe has a chance to war on weekdays as well!!!!!!!!
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