Changing back reset items

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Jan 27, 2012.

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  1. Well done. At least worth for playing more den 2 yrs.
    Thanks Dev.
  2. Can we equip pro pack items?
  3. how do you get these new equip-able items then? Epic battles? if so which ones?
  4. Wow ok meisha now i get it thanks a lot for your help
  5. And ppl asking qustions just turn back one page and look at meisha's reply she answered everything
  6. Err sorry, if hv been reset 4x meaning i dont get the equipment? Didnt see this anywhere or im looking at wrong page
  7. Wait I'm lost… so there is no new equipment for lc new lc resets or there is? If there is those that have received the permanent items from resets should have the option to purchase this equipment from the marketplace for gold. Pricing could be the same cost as LLLC so we end up having to spend the same amount of gold to obtain these as we would to have to do 4 MORE resets especially seeing as the majority of ppl that have these resets are two far along to consider doing so again. They could be made available to others as well but only after HLLCBC and for an inflated price, at least 2x the cost of LLLC.

    But don't mind me I'm just some psycho with delusions of grandeur
  8. Are there any differences in the bonus when resetting after hi-land complete as compared to low-land complete?
  9. I hope ata realizes that they have 4 games and they are only working on 2
  10. Like work on FC!! fc has more problems right now then jaw does an when I say work on FC I don't mean just make a update that jaw has already had I mean get a update that is new and not just messed with to seem new!! I mean like make FC a real update stop working on gaw and kaw an work on FC!! (an PIMD but I don't play it) but still!!!!!
  11. Would the debs consider allowing a buy period for reset items like mitral was opened.

    I suggest 10 bil each item. Covers land buying and building. It takes a week per reset. But would cost alot more time to regain build
  12. So if I reset now I don't get the equipment??......
  13. I like that idea tun
  14. Lol tuin, land cost is over $12b and you want to make the items available for $10b? C'mon.

    The number of people who are asking the same questions over and over and over in this thread, often on the same page where Meisha has already given the answer, is ridiculous. Do some reading people. It's kinda crazy to watch 20 people ask a question after its already been answered in this very thread.

    Don't be so lazy.
  15. Ok 13 bil then. The 2 dollar packets give a 5% bonus. Things change and the reset idea is out dated
  16. So just making this clear, if I was to reset now with only LC in the lowlands I would still get one of the original bonuses? Pls reply asap
  17. Need to get some bonuses on my alt lol
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