Opening that door opens the way to exploits again. You have TWO WEEKS to find a war. Just don't wait until the last day and you'll be fine. Edge renewal for no matches is not needed
Crappy war times excluded, good to see you finally got rid of this renewal which was being abused by some players.
I don't see a reason for an extra 24 hours. To me that makes no sense. They give you an extra 336hours from the moment you get it. They have like 6 wars a day 7days straight. 3 types a war a day. Even a towerless acct can get a war easily. Any person trying to renew EE should easily be able to war one of the 84 wars before it expires.
Support for this…however after a long well thought out forum thread by a top 50LB it will most likely go back to how it was
Lol @john Seems like that's always the case these days, eh? But I guess they pay for us playing the game, so I'm fine with them getting a little say in things... Just a little
How about just allowing for a 24 hr renewal just incase the player cannot war immediately after. This gives the player one last chance to keep their EE while eliminating the 2 week extension.
I'm on Aussie TZ so A thinking Ape doesn't give us much thought when changing this rule. Because I work or sleep during most of the war times available only time I can pretty much hope to find a time is 2.30 Sunday for a round war. Look at my war history u will see it's true. I don't expect u to go back to 2 weeks but at least go to 48 hours if no match or give us some Aussie friendly war!!!
So I think this should be revisited. I tried to get matches twice before my ee ran out in primal wars, got nm both times. Then decide to waste my time on a coin flip indi war figuring my ee would refresh win or lose as I still have it well into the war. But nope get screwed and have to start back over? Thats some serious bull. Please fix losing interest in game as is now this crap too