There's a think called stop being a noob If you wanna pin hit Bl ,Wc or quest like a noob And may I ask why you wanna pin on eb like a noob ?
Devs : please please please stop listening to your customers. Make your own game the way you want to. By pretending to listen to your customers you give them false hope that you really give a crap. You don't give a crap. So those suggesting things are wasting their time and the others time reading good, ok, and crap suggestions that will never see the light of day. KaWmunity: keep posting sub-crap suggestions, for those are the ones that will be implemented.
they could just go to another clan after the eb is done so clans can't really abuse the factor lol if they already do it by going to a different clan
No support. That regen is very helpful to me. One it helps you regen, it gives you a short break and why would this be needed anyway? Just be patient. Lol
who seriously supports this… we would see a surge in b2b warbeast clans and theyd be getting seal drops essentially 15x faster, we have enough inflation in the ally market tyvm
No support the point of the time frame is for your troops to regen and for you to take time in something else that's why it's there
Support - just erase the 15 mins at all. There is a point made for and against. Yest it does unnecessary waste 15 mins of time - its annoying to log in at mission start to waste 15 mins of waiting with full bars. No - it will not impact inflation in ally market. That is caused by b2b HTE clans not by possible 15 minutes of saved time. Not many ppl are affected but its costless solution for these individual circumstances. The inflation is easy to correct by removing HTE & ROTWB but our greedy devs are not going to do that of course.