
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Skwisgaar-, May 28, 2013.

  1. So..why isn't he kicked yet?
  2. Yeah I lift bring it ***** :lol:
  3. im no imposter, i do not claim to be you ivaree! im X-WHR-Ivaree-WHR-X. big difference.
  4. I'm guessing he's an alt of the owner with bipolar...anyways, PREPARE FOR WAR
  5. awwwww i was kicked.... but i heart you ivaree :,(
  6. Can't believe it took half an hour...
  7. He is pretending to not be the alt, so his main attracts little attention. He is either purposely putting small efforts in or he is just very, very stupid.
    No offense you **** up.
  8. im a she not a he
  9. I'm not bi-polar nor is this person my already u clearly see they admit they're nit me! But u will be known!! Trying to bring war hrmph why don't u step out of the shadows?
  10. Lmao this made me laugh
  11. Ok I don't like Iva much, but I don't think this is her... Probably a troll... All I do know is that this is one of the few threads made by a statless alt that I'm glad I read... I'm not sure what I just read, but it made me laugh lol
  12. Hmmmm u came out of nowhere Panda and u stand corrected we flat out don't like one another! Never have and I still ha e the ss if ur threats to hack my acct. Hmmm I wonder. Btw ur support made me laugh!
  13. Not the only ss I have either Panda!! Remember saying ???I have them all!
  14. I have no part in this, I just lold at the op, leave me outta this one
  15. WHR in OP's name stands for White Horse Rider - Ivaree's clan

    How you think we are?
  16. We will see Panda.. the devs can easily find out. It's definitely not me the imposter admitted in their own words their not me. But I'll be waiting time hear from the devs!
  17. Nice clan
  18. This thread not even worth reading requesting /lock plz
  19. I say hit them anyways 
  20. 1v1 Me noob.

    Wait lemme check your stats first :3