challenge to frog

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIl--l_lND3AD--_--J3ST3R--lIl, May 5, 2015.

  1. Alright.. I'm game!.. No poop cleaning though.. Next topic️
  2. That's a great pic.
  3. That's how Canadian chicks dress in summer
  4. Next topic.
  5. I have a challenge bc it cant b done. Post a hot midget
  6. .[/quote]
    Really u chose that 1. Really[/quote]

    R2d2 all the way lol
  7. Next topic? How about green chicks?
  8. Does that mean i win?
  9. Lol. I strongly suggest you not type in smoking hot midget pic in google. Lmao. Ill try another search now. Hahahahahahahaha
  10. So curious now....
  11. Cant believe u found that frog 2 me 0
  12. Wth yea that was strange postman
  13. Jester.. U got atleast frog, me and postmanon UR thread ready to Duke it out.. Put up a nice topic 
  14. I submit to the midget challenge cause it was all adult, but I found this gem as an alternative....

  15. I accept my defeat
  16. conjoined Twins this should be a hard one
  17. Ok jester. You have some real talent here showing interest...throw us something to toy with if you want this to continue. Conjoined twins? Really