
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Balto573, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. I don't know this went in a weird direction
  2. No KJC fans here, eh?

    "Blessed are those who lay with the chickens!"
  3. Oh lord, Willy. I remember watching the King John's Carnival specials during Christmas as a child!
  4. Thank god! Thought I was the only one in here.
  5. Are you guys my conscience
  6. Im just that pony person?
  7. Well no your also the pony person that will be farmed by me once my schedule clears up
  8. Hahahaha!!

    Booter the Pony!! That's hilarious!!

    The KJC crew is here!!
  9. my dad is a firemen :^)
  10. Oh my lawd
  11. "It's me valiant steed, Booter! How was pony school today, my love?!"
  12. I'm gonna go take an aspirin and a bullet
  13. What will the aspirin do
  14. Have fun  make sure to save me some of that stuff balto.
  15. In before lock
  16. Willy and Fox are dicks, leave balto alone before I let a mod know there are 2 users harassing a kid in forums.
  17. Let them talk they're hurting no one that bullet was the real enemy
  18. Where is the harassment?! This is hilarious! They are reciting King Johns Carnival lines. It's like the first time I've seen that in forums
  19. Wow little shouter u r a pathetic noob i'm LMAOing at your life