Now, here's how this looks if there were footage of this. The thread worked briefly, but the support was a little low. That's because Balto's brain was leaking slowly... onto that MaxiPad we call "active topics", which was expanding rapidly. The brain fluid rushing outside his head, and I can only assume Eric Northman contributed to this, essentially shot Balto out of the water. That accounts for the laughter we now hear. But where did that scream, the loud one come from? Let me tell you. Balto laid on the floor, head facing the toilet. He laid there, face to face with the biggest turd ever faced by man. Apparently when he was Hulk Hogan'ing that turd of a cf into the toilet that he clogged up with his other threads, the water level was even with the bowl, and the floater just rolled out, onto the floor, behind the toilet.
True. Deadly, you should be a VK. I feel bad now. Hey, anyone here need help on any KAW related ********? Deadly is here, but I will also assist you.
Ya I'll just blame it on willy deadly arkane arkst deadly eric that pony person on this page Alison sl courage half of kaw justice more people justice again justice a third Time and some other dude I miss anyone?
That wasn't Monte Python. Monte Python copied that from the King Johns Carnival. Common misconception.