Why should it be erased? You were stupid enough to mess with one of the top clans in the game and post about it. That makes us entitled to laugh at your stupidity ya fool. Maybe you should erase your account?
He called me out said I couldn't hit him. Wasn't smart enough to know ppl have smaller accounts just for this reason. KotFE had nothing to do with this. I'm done with him but the rest of you feel free to do as you wish with him.
After I cf it's funny how everyonne else hops on the bandwagon an starts to farm me you must really like to pray on the weak. I'm a new player learning this game I messed up and got farmed by a bigger clan and now waking up to a account name unclesi hitting me. Listen I ask mods to lock this thread like 8 hours ago im not sure wth there doing but, since it not lock yet I can say most of you that hit me already have your in game friends. I'm sure you guys will not FARM Kotfe if you do send some SS on this thread I bet there won't be crap here. Excalty so sthu and get over it.