cf to IA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Tenderhearted, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. This :lol:
  2. Difference between ia and omlets we arnt contracted to do what we do like omlets were we just defend our own 1vs1 is encouraged but when it becomes 1 vs many we step n to even the score

  3. Personally, with a name like that, I'm not scared at all :lol: but I'm just an outsider. And before you assume: this is my main.
  4. My question to ia is i see yall are all from different clans so if yall get beat on do u go running back to whoever yall are with and expect protection simple question dont your respective clans protect yall why form IA when most of you all are already apoc sounds like a bully clan to me
  5. True, why form IA if most of you are from Apoc? The only reason I can think of is so that you're not restricted to your respected alliance's rules. But then you're still in the clan, so that doesn't make sense.  and you'd still be protected by your clan if a PvP becomes more serious... So it would help if you could explain this to me cus I don't understand and I'm not sure if I'm just missing something .
  6. IA issues, are IA issues. We expect no aid from our home bases. Nor will IA help them as whole IA. Just the memberd there and anyone bored enough to go visit and help a brother in arms
  7. 1v1 they cant handle it then they call in IA. If IA get killed then they change to their home clans. Always happens in pvp. Ppl from IA couldnt handle 1v1 then get others to help. Basically an excuse to farm ppl and then get backup if it goes wrong
  8. IA, put simply, is a group of friends that enjoy the same things, and have each others backs no matter what. We have fun. We drink.we dance.we party.
  9. So you when you leave apoc or your other alliance clans you wear a IA banner and when your done picking on ppl you put back on your apoc banner or whatever else clan you are with how does your council feel about this from your clan and wow apoc ppl going rogue and they are in a osw fighting ppl that are suppose to be bullyies so tell so i understand not meaning no disrespect but i cannot grasp this does your clans you belong to not give you enuf excitement you have to run around whynot drop your banners and be IA ?
  10. If u sign up to osw clan im sure they would prefer u to use ur troops and spies to help them on their osw target not just fly under a diff banner and hit others not in ur osw. So have those ppl with other clan banners left them. I know if i was a clannie in osw i wouldnt like it if others are hitting diff targets than ca esp for other clans
  11. Support
  12. They are the insuck army. They have no home of peanuts. They pick on smaller clans. They DO ask for help from the apoc family and clans. "Fact" They have big mouths. One day it will bite them in the rear end. Be ready when it does.
  13. This noob is still trying 
  14. I find it hard to believe that apoc council or any council allows this kind of rogue activity all it takes is to hit the wrong acct and its on.Does not matter if they take there banner off or not they are still part of another clan.I forsee this turning into a big problem and if it dont it should.

  15. Looks like I am not the only one catching on to your BS. I am not trying anything. Spitting facts about loosers, and bullies. Every dog has their day. Bank on that.

  16. Totally agree! Then comes in the issues. Of loyalty to apoc. Pretty interesting.

    Oh Rb322 is a prospect in Black Hand. Apoc enemy. Another interesting issues. Enemy clans. Maybe a mole? For who though? Hum?!?
  17. Whats he trying bro is he lying tell the truth then why are u hitting a noob clan in the first place.whynot go after a war clan one that knows how to war not just some fairy clan i find it discuisting that IA or whoever you are feel the need to come together and do this and i find it even worse that any large alliance allows this kind of activity within there ranks
  18. Fortified became an eb only clan nothing else? Last I heard they actually fight people. Accprding to this thread I'm just out of the loop I guess.