CF request

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *kokololo09-- (01), Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Lol wut? It annoys me when people go on at someone that speaks English as a second language. All trolls should have to be made in a language other than your first. In response to staying on topic. If the subject is interesting enough then it will. Mercy begging threads are gonna get trolled and go off topic quick though.
  2. General rule though. If it is censored, then it's viewed as bad and should not be bypassed.
  3. But seriously "g o b l d y g o o k" you know that word for made up language that's even less coherent than gibberish
  4. Yeah I know. Just googled it too to make sure it didn't come from a racist meaning. And it is a very innocent word. No idea why it would be censored.
  5. G ook is a derogatory slang for asians, in particular the Koreans.
  6. Ok fair enough there but then it should have just censored the last 4 letters the word I used isn't a derogatory term i
  7. I wasn't going to comment but I just had to. Nuckenfuts, first of all happy belated birthday; second did you notice you use absolutely no punctuation in your posts? Reading your posts is like listening to a 5 year old jabber on and on without stopping for a breath. No offense intended. It's fairly obvious english isn't the native tongue of the Op and it's petty to point out his mistakes. Yes they're amusing but come on. The guy speaks at least 2 languages, the second well enough to be clearly understood. And not only does he/she speak it but can read and write it.
  8. Why not just join apoc?
  9. I wasn't making fun of the op other people where I simply stated that it was not nice using exactly the same argument u just used against me seriously did u read the first page before you replied
  10. But thx for the happy bday
  11. Hahahaha I was commenting on both camoflauged and op. Twas' funny, you guys so uppity! Hehehe