cf request to heart of gold

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -V-o_o-D-o_o-KaJN-, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Somebody is happy with himself
  3. And inactive during skirmish
  4. Why bump this Kylerstern? Trying to relive fond memories of stripping yourself for your first OSW?
  5. No. I just want to embarass bullies that got whipped by a clan of 10

  6. You can farm me if ofended
  7. Lol go HoG go!! Love these threads.
  8. :lol: It's awesome that this guy Kylerstern has such residual hurt feelings he bumped this. He also reimagines it that he won. :lol:

  9. Lol noob
  10. Dream on. They were embarrased
  11. Got embarrased by a clan of 10
  12. Got whipped by a clan of 10
  13. Mama kin
  14. Toys in the attic
  15. Awww cute HoG gone wild 
  16. Get out of this thread

  17. Okay sorry
  18. I must be delusional

  19. Seasons of wither
  20. As the world turns these are the days of our lives.