cf request to heart of gold

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -V-o_o-D-o_o-KaJN-, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. you mean weird kinda funny? if so i like to think so
  2. Support the underdogs. No one has the right to demand someone be kicked from a clan. I woulda said no too. And consequentially dealt with the fallout. Meh
  4. AToMs no more forum talk Ty leave this thread to the hog pigs that want to oink oink 
  5. Hog was told to stay off this great leadership by mommabear
  6. The leader of the clan that gave you asylum and refuge also asked all of you to stay off it as well. Yet here you are hypocrite
  7. Front so you're saying that just because someone has small stats that they couldn't of played for 4 years?
  8. Battle hits and losses will prove how long you've played now some one with way more battle hits per losses is a eb noob
  9. That's also not true I've played for four years and I'm not even at 30,000 battle wins.
  10. The point I was trying to make was going to be, if you have played for 4 years and have stats that could be achieved in a few months on your main (including low losses), means you haven't truly played for 4 years most likely.

    If my download date is nov 2009, but I quit for a few months, came back for a couple, quit again for a bit, played here and there ect..ect... Then total time is well less then a fully seasoned 4 year vet.

    Also seems like it's always players with 100k wins and 2k losses claiming they've played longer than anyone. Then come with the always suspect yet never provable excuses I stated in my previous post relating to this
  11. Trojan. Then you are one that has not TRULY played for four years bud. You've just had the account that long.
  12. Just like front said

    I've played for 4 years every day and my battle wins and losses show it
  13. Wait... this is my 3rd year :lol: i made a new accnt each july 4th and this is my most recent. Does tht make me not a true player bc i chose this accnt to play the most bc of its bfe and its friends?
  14. Lol eclipso. Of course there always exceptions. It's more a generality then a standard:)
  15. wel i been playin 3 years reset 5 times never spent a penny on noobs (unlike some) spent e wee while in different clans that farm a lot and never grew much. but do that make me a noob or just carefull with me doller
  16. You have stats that show you been around and played at least:) tho I don't see the reset achievement
  17. Thread is derailed,can a mod please lock thanks
