CF request to Fury

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Elvis_Hombre, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. Your memory is hazy
  2. Congrats to Fury
  3. U're so full of crap cheese..fonzy is correct, I remember ur surrender after pages of chest bumping
  4. SS or it didnt happen.
  5. Waste of time. U aren't that important. Leave this thread to those who actually play the game, not just talk.

    Respect to those in mg who stayed and fought. Osw shows who's truly loyal
  6. If I remember correctly, it was Alison that posted a CF request to KOFTE, not IC.
  7. No it isn't :p
  8. I have never posted a surrender thread. I challenge anyone to post proof showing otherwise.
  9. This is correct
  10. No it really isn't, you both made a thread and you made your thread before Alison did. Man up.
  11. Thats not true. Where is your proof?
  12. It Is completely true. Where is your proof that you didn't post it? 2 can play this stupid game bud and I promise you, you won't win :)
  13. I'm pretty positive you did post one cheese
  14. Proof that i didnt post it? How can anyone prove that something didnt happen?
  15. Then post a link to the thread
  16. I'm terrible with links. And you probably got it deleted or something. But I remember it pretty clear lol. Was a damn nice surrender thread. With lots of pretty pictures
  17. Provide a SS of kotfe giving you a cf. um DERP hello using logic is fun. Cheese why you being a tool. You know you got that ass beat, then you asked for cf like any normal person would. Why you're trying to make fun of MG, your betters, for asking for a cf in an occasion where you would've asked for a cf in 3 weeks. I just don't understand.
  18. This is like a prosecutor and a defense attorney going at it.
  19. Hahahahahaha now u're being pathetic cheese. Just stop

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