CF request to Fury

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Elvis_Hombre, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. Who said that OSW end in mutual cf's?

    Anyways, I know members in Fury and MG, good to see that they both fought for 9 months.

    Respect to Fury for winning this OSW.

    Respect to MG for knowing that a loss is a loss and deciding to move on.

    Best of luck to both clans in their future.
  2. 34,347
  3. Thanks for the update mate :)
  4. Lol! But... My heart nearly stopped when I saw this. Didn't expect an actual cf request... Respect to both sides. 
  5. *que Rusted saying he knows everyone in this OSW and that he pays his respect to everyone - because having his respect is the key to li-*

    Oh wait I'm too late. Nvm.
  6. Good fight
  7. Elvis will'd it
  8. Congrats to everyone else in Fury and FV, and respect to MG and the clans lost along the way. That was a hard fought war with trillions in strips, strange to find its over 

  9. HAH.
  10. Respect to Fury's Vengeance for standing toe to toe with mg and never backing down. Respect to every member of Fury. Most respect to The Real Elvis and Vendetta for outstanding leadership. Finally respect to slayer bob for brokering this cf. I know it was tough. To all mg that stayed, that's what this games about. War
  11. ✔Complete. Good war. For all involved, Who stayed and fought it out, Respect.

  12. It was real and it was fun but it wasn't real fun ️
  13. It's been a great experience, I'm proud to have fought with my fury family. Respect to those in MG that never backed down. ️
  14. Honestly sounds like a break up line. 
  15. No support ~ best said by the big noobs at Fury 

    As a casual observer from the outside, kudos to MG for hanging in as long as they did. Respect to Fury as friends for a successful win 

    ʹ͜ ˓͜⌯⃕˓乃L·ĀĊ₭ĦĀ₦d ͜⌯⃔͜˻͝

  16. No support
  17. I hit who I could, when I could. Never recieved much incoming, but mad respect to all the top dogs in Fury for staying strong for all these months.
  18. *inserts popcorn gif here*
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