CF request to Domminion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _BTG_, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Please mighty Dominion I request that you cf on me. You have completely burned my scout pots and I can't afford anymore. You win
  2. No CF, needs more effort, you will be scouted relentlessly until all pots, bb and buildings are burned by my mighty scout bombs
  3. I'll show you a cf request if its no effort at least make it fun like:
    I am a hotdog wiener **** shrek Balto is death Balto is despair also -Guinevere- is a sexy beast and I request cf to balto573 are you happy now oh great and powerful balto573 your power is so immensely ...powerful everytime I think if you I wet myself!! Balto is death Balto is despair -Guinevere- is a sexy beast and I request cf to Balto.
  4. Dominion whyyyyyyyyyyy. BTG:(. Bro just go scout potless and watch him burn off his spies while laughing maniacally. It will drive him insane!!
  5. I don't know what you expect me to write I'm a damned drunk!
  6. Too late for  lol
  7. Too late for crazy lol
  8. All this because I used a firework man..? Please just stop :,(
  9. Scouting uses no pots -_-
  10. ^the new Sherlock Holmes
  11. Did you figure that one on your own askaura?
  12. Shush you small little SH
  13. Nah I learned that 3yrs ago
  14. Yoh. Scout pots are expensive and can ONLY be burned by scout bombs. It's no joke:(.
  15. Pots not expensive 
  16. GH that's even worse