cf pinky

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __LynxTamer__, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Strider is actually stronger than lynx it looks like to me
  2. Not in att and def I'm stronger but Strider does have the advantage over me in spies so we are pretty well equal
  3. Strider has more pots and actually fights back. Advantage Strider.
  4. quit bumping this thread, op needs no more attention.
    let him crawl into his hole and die off!
  5. I will war you when I get done with another guy I'm hitting
  6. Can u wait till I'm done with pinky and he crying in the hole I dug Him
  7. lynx, are u ever gonna get these friends?
    and what u mean done with me, i havent been hit by u :p
  8. Wait pinky I'm calling in the second wave it might take a bit though...
  9. Bump (friend wants to read this)
  10. Bump bump bump ... Tell your friends to come see me too
  11. Sorry they don't like asses
  12. BTW those stars were another name for a donkey
  13. What last time I looked those were stars I'm going crazy
  14. cid:B0DC25C9-DC06-4884-AA0B-66E2B6E41528
  15. I'm such a forum noob... I give up
  16. Use the image code at the bottom [IMG*][/IMG]
    Looks like that Without the *
  17. That work with a gif too?