@dak Fiddlers purple. I'm Fiddler @OP- CF Terms? Stop hitting. Seriously. I've heard of people making the people being farmed come to their clan and drop 2, 3, 4 seals and leave. It's ridiculous.
I don't know this guy or his clan but hit him and it's like hitting me :twisted: no need to start problems where there aren't any @Panda and Prodigy Btw remember me Prodigy? :lol:
You started something and say you don't want it? Oh the Irony just like Prodigy said, btw prodigy remember you have a CF with me.
Actually i said we don't want these crap threads in forum, keep hitting, your mith will run out eventually
I have no idea how this has to do with anything, but ill keep on your ass until you apologize to him for ganging up on him with prodigy doesn't matter to me how long this takes up to you buddy.
You bought his allies and hit him which in other words is a strip but yea. I can go forever i make 26mil of you that's a lot for me anyway shhhhh get back to your fails on my newsfeed please.