Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FoDemon, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. Dude i have been farming this clan by MYSELF for a week. That is why no pots. Fiddler recently got involved.
  2. In was in that clan 2 days ago 
  3. Yay metal. I like u more and more each day lol. I hate fiddler. nOob fake wanna be modfiddy respond in green for melike the old days
  4. Hiya satan how are you 
  5. Someone wanna give a flashback on fiddy and this mod thing.

    That's the 2nd time I have heard a joke like that this week and I don't think I was playing yet because I have no clue what it's about.
  6. Erok, you PM'd alb? 
  7. @ fiddlers post.


    Blah blah blah blah blah



    You have some weird tz. That's a quick day.
  8. Yes bond i sure did. No need to waste my pots over a prick like you.
  9. Sorry for the ******* up there that missed the C it wa son accident Mod please erase it.
  10. Baby, you're still dtw. You haven't hit me back and you walled a clan I'm leaving to make me stop... can you see the failure of your own logic, what did you threaten them with? Kitteh's? ;)
  11. I do not want to hit you back. No need to waste troops and pots once again. You are an idiot. My farming of this clan was with reason yours was not. If BH was to do the same you wouldn't hit their members huh?
  12. The reason I am farming you is..........

    Because I don't like you and I can.
  13. In Eroks defense, I was in Foxes just last night when he was talking about hitting the whole clan. All the members he was talking about farming are all bigger than he is. I personally checked.
  14. Lol drgn :lol:
  15. i can personally say I wasn't talking about erok hitting 1/3 stats. That was at fiddler.
  16. Lol kk. Well anyway i am asking nicely to stop i sincerly want to EE this weekend...
  17. Heya wake ^.^
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