Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FoDemon, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. Hmmm. I'm not condoning picking on smaller players at all, but there are certain situations which warrant the beat down of a smaller player; such as smack talk. Players big enough to talk smack, players big enough to smack. We had a situation where the owner of our sub clan was trying to usurp the sub. Player and his little followers are gonna get punished. There are a couple more, but meh..

    I by no means agree with simply beating on a smaller player simply because you can. I've been there and it sucks. Players over double my current stats, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. But, players play their game their own way I guess..
  2. It's not about that now fiddler.

    You've wanted a 1 v 1 for a while- I am obliging.
  3. Thats nice.
  4. Pathetic. Why ask if your not going to hit back?

    You fiddler are 100% full of it.
    You don't want a 1 v 1.
    You want attention.
    So I'm done.
    No more hitting.
    Don't want your head to be bigger than the doorway.
  5. Metal storm....

    Will u marry meh?
  6. Fiddler. You can 1 V 1 me. You have larger stats so wouldn't be too hard for you.
  7. Fiddler. I retract my last statement.
    I'm not done. I am going to finish you mmmmmmmmmmk?
  8. What's CF?
  9. Full support for metal. I can't stand people who think they're bad ass for beating up in players a fraction of their size.

    Not only that, I just think fiddler is a cuntay.
  10. And by star star star star, I mean a lying, attention-seeking, good for nothing, social-class reject.
  11. No cf for now erok.

    Who are you again?
  12. And to further show what a liar s/he is, just look at the purpose of this thread. It says "CF Fiddler," not "CF Fiddler's friend."

    If fiddlenuts was truly "helping a friend," then why is this person requesting CF from fiddlenoob and not his/her "friend?"
  13. Touch_me fiddlesticka is no noob. Also, fiddlestickas and i were having fun on this noob. His choice was to make the thread not ours. We didn't force him.
  14. Also metal. I tos yo worse nightmare :3
  15. So.

    It's 2 v 1 "fun"

    On an acc that small huh?
  16. No it was the whole clan bro.
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