Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FoDemon, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. Good deat I take a nap and my phone had a heart attack.

    1 I was just helping my friend
    2 I dont like to farm
    3 I owed the person who asked me to do this, and I stay true on my word.
  2. Cool.

    -I like to farm
    -I like to farm
    -I like to farm

  3. I hate farming dear, but ok.
  4. Excactly what I thought.

    Self pinning eb noob who only hits those she knows can't hurt her back.
  5. I pinned on some quests but farm away it doesn't bother me.
  6. I thought you liked to fight :/

    You know with constantly asking for 1 v 1's
    And pinning small people
  7. Ive pinned 1 person which as this guy because someone asked me to, and I want a 1v1, never been in one before. But right now I'm tired, and I don't wanna fight.
  8. Isn't it convenient?
  9. Sometime I wonder what's so hard about apologize to a person.
  10. Fiddler:
    Wait let me get this straight Naughtyerock asked your help to farm a noob clan  man they must of hit back and he started freaking out 
  11. Is that the same ferbie thats on my wall? :O
  12. Osun- it's my understanding that erok was hitting some guy, and the clan got involved and erok asked for help before realizing the low stats.
  13. Belle the clan didn't get involved :roll: fo told Erock to stop hitting his member or he well be farmed , then he called I'n fiddler,
  14. Oooo this thread seems fun, I wander who I should wack ?
  15. I'n fact Erock was trying to farm the whole clan, he even mentioned it I'n his other thread ,
  16. Zzzz gettin tired of this...
  17. Well you've got your 1 v 1 fiddler.
    Your always asking. Or is it because I'm not 1/3 your size?
  18. Oh, well I did not read that part.

    As I said, that's just how I understood it.
  19. I don't care if you 3x my size, your blowing things out of proportion. Guess its bad to help friends. Even though idk why he couldnt farm them himself
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