Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FoDemon, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. We don't hate her lol. And def not for warring someone smaller. We dislike the constant lies she spews. Lying is on the same level as stealing to me. So I call her out on it whenever I see her in forums
  2. Fiddy asked fo cf thread when she cud of used wall. The farmin games begin! Let the odds be never in your favor!
  3. I agree that it's stupid to force them to make an apology thread unless its well written but hating on Fiddler doesn't help much
  4. War4yourkaw. Welcome to hell.
  5. Bypassing doesnt help a CF thread  nor does putting little to no effort into it tbh a CF should be a well written paragraph or no effort or meaning 
  6. Nice.

    We have instruction on how to properly beg for mercy from a licensed forum professor.

    Thanks chief!
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