Or do you only get the green letters if you have a certain amount of degrees on your wall? Or is it only for military personnel? I'm so confuzzled. And did you break your leg?
Seriously? Knock it off, that is considered harassment unless you don't read the terms of use anymore before you play a game.
I'm pretty sure those degrees would make a good splint in a pinch. Seeing as u have so many I figure it would be pretty thick and sturdy
Harassment? Where at let's get em. I'll help you. We can farm there faces off. Can we duck tape those degrees together? They will make a good shield if they decide to shoot spitwads at us
Idk tho. Do they have smaller stats than you? I only like to farm smaller people. We would make a perfect team. What with all ur degrees and such I'm pretty sure I would never have any unanswered questions
She gonna have to hobble over to a mod to get this locked. What with a fake broken leg and all I'd hope she at least faked a hobble to go with it
Fiddler with your definition of harassment u placed on my wall technically you have been harassing me for months with your nOob liesunwanted lies in forums. Get used to me trolling you lil girl
What with all this degrees I would figure shed be smart enough to have gone back and reread the thread for the terms metalshe gotta hobble back a few pages to see it. May take her a while
I can't help itill quit when she admits she is a liar. Until then everytime I see her in another grab for attention here on forums I'll be sure to call her out on her bull
Why does everybody hate Fiddler for warring someone smaller than her? I'd war someone bigger than me in 1v1 if I had the time. It's good to war and warring while being outmatched is good experience. I hope that made sense as I'm very tired.