CF broken vrs red-cella take 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Leo-Shocker, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. Kitty why don't u shut your mouth and back your allied clans .scared to have a real war? Scared to take hits?
  2. I'm open. Hit me if it helps you sleep at night.. and stop acting. Nobody is impressed. 
  3. Acting? Who is acting?
  4. Ill wait for permission .you see I value allied clans and help them when they need help just like last war you had that we at hv came and battled with you
  5. Go hug a tree and hope your clan owner doesn't give me the green light
  6. Live in your fantasy I'm out 
  7. so here I am waiting for MIGHTY LEO to hit me back ? What happen I doubt you missed your news with my hits!! oh am shaking 
  8. Fb Leo please stop being a noob! I don't do a few hits I aim to pin! And ATM you are PIN. Second time I pin you and no incoming
  9. My owner is a saucy one!
  10. She sure is..she sure is... Lmao
  11. Lol Leo is just trying to pull in any clan to hit HV.
  12. Holy Vanguard still can pulled this thing, just do a sincere appology, dont talk trash or brag or big headed about it so much anymore. At least Holy Vanguard still can safe some pride or whatever is still left. Most of HV has been injured with none casualties on the other side (yes red-cella has been stripped too but not so much impact). few HV reset or left and change their identity. That should mean something. Yes, you (Leo) has HLC (and thanks to red-cella damoose too), but think about others. Dont just think about yourself. if you keep this up by challenging everyone that commented or giving their honest opinion, that will be overwhelming for HV soon. This is Kingdoms at War, some kingdom will rise some will fall, but with good judgement and faith the fall still can rise. To this day, Leo action on challenging every one just showing he has no interest in this games anymore. Should he left, plsz just left with what ever pride that he still got. Dont bring whole HV down with you. At least has some respect to owner (who ever he is) and other clan members. I believe as a HV members they will support your decision cuz until now they still support you.

    just a thought. dont you challenge me too, im just a tiny fly :geek:
  13. Can't we all just get along? 

    KAW LAND OF LOVE
  14. Crystal all the way!
  15. Leo's gonna try and bring in more clans against himself so he'll have an excuse of "We were outnumbered" after losing 
  16. Red-cella are kicking some major ass!!
  17. Any kind of war is always fun in my book..

    Not that i'm siding with anyone, but this is kingdoms at War. When you go to war everything is at stake, and when you join one that means you bet everything that you have in your Kingdom.

    This is actually a fun war, a clan has challenged the might of Red-Cella and for some they may think HV has bitten more than they could chew, but still they are fighting the war.

    Would be better to keep quiet and just hit and take hit though, and keep the trash to the minimum specially if you are in the losing side of the battlefield. I believed Red-Cella has been very quiet and kept the forum talk at minimum and have acted very honorable in this war. A lesson they could well adopt. True war clans are tenacious and would rather fight to the bitter end until a compromise is achieved.

    Maybe a new strategy for HV is in order? Taking Red-Cella head on in the battlefield i think is a poor strategy..War is a Battle of will.. Maybe you need to reorganize your long term plans if you like to really make any kind of difference in the war.

    Good luck to both sides..
  18. Leo-shocker ever did a system war against Osiris
  19. Lei ever did a system against Osiris but they loose. Instead of forfeit they all left the war, left the owner around. So Osiris have to wait 24hrs to claim what winner should deserved. So Osiris start to strip farm those who left the war. Ask shocker if you don't believed me. This my main. Tyvm
  20. Very hard to understand the meaning of that 