CF broken vrs red-cella take 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Leo-Shocker, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. @ Lancelot - After reading pages of this thread, I assumed U were in the war being discussed. If u r not, u should reconsider whether u've even come close to earning the ability to weigh in on someone else's war. U can always join the war, but otherwise just follow the banter of the actual participants.
  2. Assumptions, -JM-, the part about thinking too highly on themselves to go to forum part. Freedom of speech, why should someone himself not in the war tell me to shut up? :lol:

    Lol Lormaster. Maybe I'm in, maybe I'm not. :D But fair enough. Makes sense. Out for today. Happy KAW-ing :cool:
  3. Pinning and hitting all at once is a good tactic. 20 spies unload with 24 crystals after a 2T in allies get hired, you do the math.
  4. Meh, looking at the contents of ur posts and ur scrubbed wall, u must be an alt of a participant. Well, enjoy the banter while I peruse another thread.
  5. Lance is Mine. I find his messages annoying. Too long, and I just want to FARM him!!!!! in my eyes..
  6. Scrubbed wall? My wall is like this all along :D I'm just an inactive little account. :'( :lol:

    Okay -Yin_ , you're welcome to waste your time on me :lol:

    Oh wait, I said I was out for today. Happy KAW-ing! *Lurks*
  7. isn't this the 6th thread? why so many thread about this OSW? hows is the war going lol?
  8. How is this war going...well there is something I would like to talk about  is the use use of auto clickers...bots or whatever you wana call them.. it seems very evident that various members of a certain clan are using them no names mentioned but they no who they after complaint after complaint to the devs nothing seems to be getting done and why it because certain players in kaw are untouchable because of there spending power..if this is the case what future does kaw hold for the smaller less cash spending we just have to suck it up and get on with it..explain how for 6 hours str8 a human can attack 4 times every 10 mins timed to the second without fail..
  9. 'But they KNOW who they are'
  10. @ welcome - I derailed tigers "I suck, /wrists" thread like a shuffling baus!

    @ Leo -Last time I warred HV you guys impressed me with your quiet farming ways. Was a strength of yours, gotta agree with the majority of the lurkers here, quit posting threads dood. I would especially refrain from posting unless you have screenshots and/or actual confirmation one way or another of what truly went down.

    Ps: Domo, # 21 in clan - still hate you 
  11. Red-Cella clan told me there's no CF in the 1st place  how to break CF? So this thread is for?
  12. auto clicker issues or bot issues has already in kaw for a long time. if you are indeed are osw clan then you should know it exist and it is used by many. Its also a known as strategy even though its called cheating and will be banned by dev if catched. And also you can use it to your advantage by reporting it to dev so dev may take action and when the time come you can stripped him easily without a fight. Its happen during great OSW against YAFI. dont cry in forum or ask for sympathy here cuz dev wont listen to you here. Simply email or feedback dev. and furthermore its already 7th thread about this osw, i think its little to late to start complaining bout tht right now. plus we know what happen if you start bashing Dev. Its better get this thread clean with war talk. that would be an intresting reading! GL to both clans
  13. For 6hrs straight, unloading their troops every 5-10mins is not what a human can do? Seriously damoose?

    So according to you, Last Rights won their summer war finals by botting? Turtle wars are only fought by bots? 
  14. I'm not crying or looking for sympathy..just stating a fact that even after it has been reported many times nothing seems to get done about it it still goes point was the said clan involved mentioning no names are simply just allowed to carry on even though its so plainly obvious that is happening..purely because of certain people's spending power in kaw..and that it doesn't hold up well for the rest of the smaller members of kaw......well we will ban you because you don't spend much..but we will over look you because you spend lots..what I'm saying is if its a breach of TOU them the same rules should apply to EVERYONE regardless of how much cash you spend or who's alt you are..
  15. @awesome it's not every 5-10 minutes..its perfectly timed hits to the second for hours on end day after day..during there inactive times...
  16. If you have enough proof for devs that they are using bots, they will firstly be warned and then banned if botting continues. I know of people who buys thousands of crystals and still were warned by devs for using bots.

    The main point I'm putting across is that saying somebody is using bots after 6hrs of continued activity is just ridiculous. At least vontez's claim of 6 days of eb history has a valid point.
  17. Please look at your own post on the previous page 
  18. Lolz at clans giving play by plays of wars.

    Fight with your troops not your mouths

  19. A war of words is still a war, dear ;)
  20. Yah between the 2 parties involved it is. Psychology is the biggest factor in war. But going public in search of some form of verification that your actions are correct is not admirable in my opinion. It is foolish and lame. Not to mention the negative attention that is inevitably received on forums regarding war topic. Furthermore if real damage was being done I'm sure we'd see members dropping and red n cella falling on LB. Talk is cheap.
