CF broken vrs red-cella take 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Leo-Shocker, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. If its not locked.. I'll bump it for ya tiger.. Looks like IGCB was right yet again. Back on topic. I believe that T5 was so that certain individuals would spend more cash. "this opinion is strictly that of Welcome and is not endorsed by KotFE or family".
  2. Why couldn't you just assumed we cared on the thread Vonetz posted CF. we saw.
    And now we see this again.
  3. Stole the words outta my mouth by no means a big build...but whose the 1.5m clanless guy dissing the war clan? You can bet after this red-cella thing is over lance is gonna be a perma farm for sure
  4. King_ting thanks for joining war with your 5 incoming steals. You pay well 17/17/11 pinnedthanks again
  5. daschmied - stay to your own war, and take back the "plain noob" part.

    Look, xxxxIRONxxxxLIONxxxxZIONxxxx, no one will be posting about the war if your dear friend here didn't make so many threads. Jeez, even had to choose which thread to post :lol:

    And if you're so much about keeping this war entirely to "Holy Vanguard and Red-Cella", I'm sure you wouldn't have brought this to the forums. :lol: :lol:

    Your attempts at attracting attention and getting fame is backfiring, now you're calling everyone to stop posting. Oh dear. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I'm not dissing, tntrosteck, did you see me insulting anyone? No.
  6. Your an idiot finger boy ! Game just started with me an you :/
  7. @ Lancelot: Huh? Alot to write for nonsense.
  8. @ Zion: Huh? A little to write for being out-talked. :D
  9. Fingerboy? Lmao why can't an attack build run there mouth? Just spies that are always dtw after I smack them
  10. Lance stop talking and use that eb button to get some allies and stats
  11. Lol lancelot...apparently you dont know hv very well...your posts are enough of an insult to earn a clan farm
  12. Long live vontez!
  13. Lol tntrosteck, and are you saying you know them very well? Whatever the case is, I didn't bypass and neither did I insult. You just feel that it's an insult. Rofl.

    Sure LEO-SHOCKER, I will. And you should stop talking and farm opponents instead of creating threads.
  14. Think the red-cella cc is like one big orgy? Talking dirty to each other through their alts
  15. role play?
  16. No i dont need to know someone personally if they have a big enough reputation...just like you dont need to know cella or red to know they spend bank on this game...or that mickeyknocks loves farming people...its alll reputation
  17. Lancelot, you have the maturity of an 8yo. When are you going to start saying "I know you are but what am I?" You really shouldn't be on KaW if this is true since it is a 9 game.
    But whatever, you're free to run your mouth regardless of the sense you lack.
  18. Remember shock that you can order ppl off your thread.

    Lanc surely you are not asking for proof of a war that you are not in?
    If that is the case then a ss is not your privilege.

    As you troll this thread looking to create more havoc think of what you are asking.

    Cf was not wanted by both parties evident of last thread of tyrant running his mouth and Barneyspartan hitting holy Domo. That's all the proof you get. Want more? Join red-cella if they will have you. Then holy vanguard can give the news fist hand. Otherwise go vote on the Jordan thread.
  19. Maturity of an 8yo? :lol: :lol: Sure, whatever you say. I don't mind too much when the mentally-disabled insults others when they can't give a decent reply :lol: :lol: If I lack sense, your level of common sense must have dropped negative :lol:

    Anything, MrPlunder, if you call it "proof", so be it :) CF is not wanted by both parties or CF isn't accepted? :lol:

    Talking facts ain't creating havoc, if you say it is, so be it. :lol: :lol:

    Still cracks me up on the part that some people don't want people to talk on their thread and yet they're the ones creating multiple threads and announcing stuff all over forum. :lol:
  20. Lance, shut the hell up about your stupid facts and proof. You want a fact? A fact is, when threads are made about wars, normally both sides will post their positions. Red-Cella seem to think too highly of themselves to go to forums.

    Post with a main or shut up.