CF broken vrs red-cella take 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Leo-Shocker, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. It's easy. Says Leo is a runner and a coward
  2. Kitty just summed it up.
  3. No one has left the war from HV and as far as the resets go those were alts that redstar bought. cost redstar 700b get ur crap straight they have stripped a few boight most caught it an upgraded common sense u should tell u the more u have to lose ie red cella 100ss of trillions ie HV a few trillion the more u will lose . We stripped them more the 1st night than they have stripped us the whole war .and they will continue to lose more than us not cuz we r better or smarter or stronger simply cuz they have more to lose.War HV kitty next time u open ur mouth I will leave u Have 0 allies and 0 pots try me
  4. But* not boight***
  5. Common sense should also tell all of us that how much stripped does not equate to the amount lost.

    All i have to say.
  6. Thread was bumped up after it died for few days? :shock:

    700b? Really? :/ Wow.. I guess the remaining few trillions were overlooked?
    Sure.. Most upgraded, but stats didn't change much? Invisible buildings? :lol:

    Btw FYI, having more to lose doesn't mean they will lose more if they had managed to manage the funds properly and watch their allies more carefully :p

    Good day to all.
  7. Something is strange? Nothing much to lose then why needed to cast spell hiding allies 24/7?
  8. @kitty -I'm a runner ? And a coward? Lmfao when have I ever ran from a fight? In fact I just helped your clan strip a swollen member while fighting red-cella and you still run your mouth?
  9. No kitty was explaining the gibberish someone else posted.
  10. To lance the noob yes when u buy 700b in allies and they reset that day u loose 99%'of that 700b and garvin yeah I meant I have little to lose compared to red-cella in way of allies so ill hide them. Till I'm ready not too. It's been a fun war very profitable unlike most osw yes a few of us got it the worst being 800b or so but me I'm up 1trill in 9 days but that's on little sleep so I may go a bit stir crazy lol. War HV and respect to Red-cella and friends I have nothing bad to say bout them just enjoying taking on the most powerful duo in kaw don't u agree why waste time on the rest when u can take on the best like we have many times tyr and majesty zaft 46
  12. Kitty let's take a step back to gather thoughts and responses.

    Why trash the ones that helped your clan in a osw right before this one?

    I like ya but give it a rest. Leo never ran he only moved to hv to help run hv for that osw. While I stayed to help coordinate strips between 4 clans.
  13. Really if your not on this thread for support , non-support, or part of the war you really need not be on this thread causing problems.

    Facts get turned around cuz ppl don't know the facts. The only ones that need to know are the ones involved in this war. You want to know the facts first hand then join a side. Then you may defend yourself on this thread accordingly.

    Thanks for the supports.
  14. To vontez the pro :p

    I may be noob, but yes I know about the losing when reset part. Wasn't referring to that actually. I'm just wondering how come you kept harping on the little amount they lose when you fail to mention about the huge amount you guys lost.

    What has having little to lose got to do with hiding allies? If you "stripped them more the 1st night" and you're "winning", why hide allies then? If it's "very profitable", why not let them strip and you "profit" from it? :lol:

    Sounds legit, Domo :) But then again, since your dear friend had brought the war time and again to the forums, I believe everyone has the right to comment, regardless in war or not. If you had meant to kept it low-profile I believe this wouldn't be on the forum?

    Nice day to everyone out there!
  15. I understand. :roll: plenty and if Leo would accept my apology that I posted on his wall( if he didn't delete it) it clearly explains me apologizing. And he brought a few friends to hit. So run it by me a couple more times sir?

  16. So according to vontez, he has grown on the expense of his clannies being stripped. Nice
  17. @kitty I never told anyone to hit you.for one i fight my own battles for 2 you are in an allied clan. If anyone hit you it was on there own
    And all of us are making money but when you war there is a chance of getting stripped .
  18. Sorry... Calling bull**** on vontez being up 1 trillion in 9 days. LOL NOPE
  19. Space I would post Ss but that would put me at Disadvantage. But yes I am up 1trill if I had to put #s on it I'd say they've stripped bout 3-4t from us and we've doubled that if not tripled it not exact #s but somewhere in that area. They would have to confirm. of what they lost but I know Rambo was open for about 20hrs and red dropped builds on his banks what's hlbc bout 3t and the reset bombs for 700b.
  20. Yes pennies to them but u have to start somewhere