CF Between Osiris and Yafi.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Os-StRaWbErRy-JAMES, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. YP, please refrain from posting in Os/Yafi friends.

    I have been warned about it and the only reason I'm posting now is to let it known to the people that I have requested you not to on behalf of A8. Any further questions, please ask me directly and I can get the answers for you.

  2. I doubt even a regular, HLBC player would be permitted entry, even if he had war experience.

    After all, many old players have unknown alts. scattered through KaW. Who knows if the one applying is a mole :lol:
  3. How long was this going on?
  4. I believe it is previously stated, prof, I will hurt you. You only posted to irritate me because I directly told you not to in CC.

    If any more A8 perms post, I will personally message you and we will converse there, to minimize the confusion of how you don't understand "Do not post in that thread".

  5. How smart of you to have edited and blacked out all other information, leaving only the few lines of words to further your lies. :lol:

    As far as I know, DG promised to help BH before he knew you were involved in war against us. When he realised you were in the war, you were told to pull out all your accounts. You didn't pull all your accounts out.

    And because of that, the deal to help rebuild BH was out.

    It was a good try ;)
  6. Wow!! Finally..... Great war Osiris!!!!! A very long and entertaining War I hve ever been in. 

    Tdubbs 

    Now back to farming the perverts
  7. Oh so now my info is correct but it's just outdated? Lol
    U wrong Apple. This ss was the last time I spoke to DG and pmed Leo that I'm out. Check the dates. And i was out cos i keep my word. I can prove everything I say with full ss and dates on them, but I'm done with forums. U can follow me to see a full picture cos u missing out a lot of info. But I know it's just comfortable to call me a lair instead of actually taking time to check or just to think. It's up to u. Guess it's my fault I'm too sentimental and actually give a **** about things like respect and being grateful but I'm waiting for Ryan's personal vendetta over my two bl hits on him - u guys gonna get used by someone who can't accept bl as a part of KaW. I'll be fine, not my first rodeo
  8. No disrespect to anyone, but Appleseed has a habit of calling ppl liars in the forums without providing any evidence why.
  9. Just outlined what's important but Since u insist, here, to 'further my lie':
  10. 

    I can see why you blacked the rest out to make yourself look good..oh wait
  11. I'm waiting for you to prove your statement.

    I seriously see no reason why I would need to provide evidence most of the time, because I usually call out liars who make statements like yours without any proof. ;)
    My evidence usually lies in people not being able to substantiate their claims. :lol:

    And yes, I have a habit of exposing liars. Usually the reactions are big because they really can't prove what they said.
  12. Let me repeat my statement in case you did not read it.

    As far as I know, DG promised to help BH before he knew you were involved in war against us. When he realised you were in the war, you were told to pull out all your accounts. You didn't pull all your accounts out. In case you didn't know, someone rat on you.

    "This ss was the last time I spoke to DG and pmed Leo that I'm out."
    I will check the dates again. As far as I know, that isn't the last, and you have spoken much more, including how Trouble wasn't you initially, and you have taken over the account from someone else, something which is against the ToU now.
    Edit: "Verified through DG's SS that 23rd October 2012 was not the last time you spoke with DG" I have received an SS of a later date.

    Let me reiterate that all our decisions are from votes by all members, not just DG.

    Also, it does not mean you are out even if you have pmed Leo so. You don't get to decide it solely. We don't treat all those who helped our enemies or ex-enemies kindly. That includes House of Warlords, if you guys are reading this.

    Additionally, blacked out all other information obviously does not just refer to the SS. I meant all other information.
  13. Anyway to Trouble, just for clarification. I have nothing against you.
    If any case, I am merely pointing out discrepancies with information I have. ;)

    Of course if all information aligns, I wouldn't post at all. ;)
  14. Was reading back and saw your post.
    Respect and cheers! :D
  15. Nah Apple, let me repeat myself: DG said I shouldn't be retaliating and hitting my 'family' so he obviously knew I was supposedly in, right? Yes yes I got those ss with dates too, welcome to see if u want but in third party app.
    I've pmed DG after that but i don't think i got any replies and convo involves at least two people talking.
    Maybe u guys vote and all but I believed DG as i always had. I didn't know it wasn't voted on. As well as Leo told me 'lets move on' - please see the dates on ss below. But It seems u guys just like to take ur words back. Only reason I'm even talking here is cos I'm surprised by that..
    Cropped out to outline, Leo has full convo:)
    From that day I didn't hit until saw Ryan on BL - u promote wars in kaw and get butthurt over 2 bl hits? Lmao O ya I have ss of Ryan on my bl too, I just like to ss everything But nice try lol

    Yup, i bought this acct when it wasn't against ToU so idk why u even mentioning this. I see u just don't have many arguments left. And FYI none of my other accts were in war, Blazey only retaliated and stopped when u stopped after DG told u so (according to how he brought it up to me). As well as I stopped as soon as I got my hands on Trouble.

    Once again, u just wrong. I know u apple from while back, I'm surprised u not digging for the truth tbh cos that's how u used to be.
  16. First, some of your 'friends' have told us that Trouble was you all along. It was not bought over like you said.

    Also, regarding your earlier statement that the SS dated 23rd Oct 2012 was the last time you spoke to DG, here's an SS for you.
    **SS Removed as point already taken**

    I have more if you need.

    As for Leo's statements, I will check with him again.

    "From that day I didn't hit until saw Ryan on BL - u promote wars in kaw and get butthurt over 2 bl hits? Lmao O ya I have ss of Ryan on my bl too, I just like to ss everything But nice try lol"
    Finally, hitting someone when you have agreed to move on and then claiming it is a BL hit isn't a smart move. Obviously you know it is Ryan, so it makes that act even dumber. Yes, we promote wars in KaW, and since you already know that, we treated your hits (after you said you want to stop) as an act of war.
  17. K lemme rephrase it again: convo is when two people talking. I only see me on ss tho. I am not denying I pmed DG after that, even yesterday, but I don't think I ever got any reply. I may be wrong - over 13k ss as u can see but I can deffo go through them if needed. But last convo or not, since that day i haven't hit. Until bl. Main point is, after I was told I should rebuild BH, I wasn't told anything otherwise. So seeing u guys talk **** on my clan and trying this hard to pick a fight surprises me, that's all.
  18. U making up a problem with me - all good, I'll be around for a little while. Hurry up tho, I'm getting really disappointed in ppl in this game. Like I said, I'm too sentimental and may just quit before u get ur master plan of taking Blazey out to realization lol
  19. In any case, DG was probably too disgusted with you to reply you. That's my opinion (ok it's a joke) and I may be wrong. On a better note, it may be because he was too busy doing his research, tending to his newborn and preparing for his trip to Africa ;)

    I don't need to show any more SS since you have already admitted you pm-ed DG after that. You were the one that mentioned that was the last you spoke to DG. Speaking does not necessary mean it needs to be two person.

    Honestly, whether you get disappointed with people in the game doesn't concern me. As far as I'm concern, here in YA__JUDGMENT__FI, we are family. We know each other, meet each other on holiday trips, for meals, and more :)

    And in any case, we don't have a master plan for you at the moment. I'm only someone posting in forum. And also usually, I try not to post PMs if possible because I regard it as private. This is seriously the first time, and it was a return in favour on your 2 images.

    And as I have told you, I won't post when information aligns. It doesn't obviously.
  20. Do us all a favour and plz quit  we are all very sad to see u go.  now we can not execute our master plan...
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