CF Between Osiris and Yafi.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Os-StRaWbErRy-JAMES, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. Way to go blackhand, trying to steal our thunder?
    If what you're saying is correct, then why CF? Are you discrediting Osiris aswell? Sounds like it to me.
    We war with nothing to lose and everything to gain
  2. @ Ares: No worries! We might have a chance to war you guys in near future. Your clan owner still own us some credits. Good luck 

    P/s: there are AAH runners in BH. We will visit them soon 
  3. I enjoyed the war. Respect the CF and happy kaw-ing with new icon!! :)
  4. GoodFight
  5. True warriors of KaW .... RESPECT
  6. Black hand have newly reformed, I doubt many of the originals are there anymore.

    YAFI scouting for more wars  that's what I like about them, they don't care who it is, they ain't scared of anyone.
  7. Rofl they aren't looking for anyone they are looking for AAH runners
  8. Well actually^ they have problems with troublemaker AND there is AAH runners here. So pls. Don't speak unless u know what u speak of
  9. Rick.

    "We might have a chance to war you guys in the future"

  10. Cynderstryke, I like how you filtered out the wins in your screen shots. No matter...i was burning your pots...cost me nothing to burn them...(little trick I learned from does get irritating, doesn't it?).BTW, you went from 11 sdp to 8 in one unload..better stock up! I am coming!
  11. LOL it's pretty amusing how an opinion of a single player being twisted into a statement made by a whole clan. I assume u meant to say 'Ares' not black hand, right Wilders?

    Half of Kaw has problems with me hanse my name yet I'm still here:) Credits Leo? U chose what to believe in, u can ignore all the ss I have and have posted - it's fine. After all it's a war game and having no reason to start a fight is better than having to make up one so don't bother.

    As of AAH runners..I was told I can pull my guys (BH) from war they got into because of their obligations - not will, without any consequences to them. I was told so by DG. One of Judgement leaders. If you feel like taking those words back - i can't do much but y'all should remember, u got a problem with me (even tho u have to generate that problem and ignore the true facts and proofs) and maybe those who I pulled, not Black Hand as a clan. I'm open to any suggestions, fights, strips etc. I'll stand my own ground. However I won't let BH as a clan fight those who used to be our family and broke apart because of a mole in judgement, named Google. Misunderstanding and no blame to BH or Judgement for that but he did it on purpose and I'm sure he's happy with current result. I was told he was AAH mole. Guess that's one little victory for AAH u Leo allowing to happen.
    Judgement has done A LOT for us in the past and were the very first clan in BH family so lets not get too low and leave some respect in this game. I'm here tho, not hiding and u know how to find me:)
  12. TroubleMaker, I do agree with the statement about Judgment and Bh. I remember help u guys a lot and u guys help back
    Good fight Os. Great War!!!
  13. Stop crying here! Your lies always full. DG still lurking around he told me that u are telling lies  For BH I was the one stopped the alliance with them but nothing related to Google Lmao  all because new BH members didn't know how to follow their seniors who retired. Probably I still have some pm regarding this issues.

    Again we will settle with u later trouble. We told you this and we meant it 

  14. hi OS :) and everyone!!!

    Just wana say i was enjoyed every much the war. My respect to All OS members (but not runners)
    All the best and happy Kawing!

    OS-arm, we will miss u :) Cheers mate!
    Os-Link: you are the man
    Os-Nckz: U are a big butt :p
    Os-James: My respect to u
    Os-Aga: hmmm are u AAH or OS? hehehe j/k all the best mate!
    and to all OS best wishes and merryXmas!!!

    @ troublemaker: Get off this thread pls if u want to argue further. We all here believed that you are liar who like to twist around :p If u want can open new threat and cry there LOL. This threat only us not for u :)
  15. Read all remarks. All I can do is laugh. CF . This thread is the most active I've seen Yafi to date.  Every village needs and idiot....I'll take that role. What a joke. 
  16. I know u guys have a whole different prospects of 'crying' so I won't get into that lol

    Leo, the info I have and posted above was given to me by DG. I think it's time for him to stop lurking, come out and call me a lair if he really thinks so (with some evidence so it's credible)? Maybe post ss where I'm told I should pull my guys? Or maybe post ss telling me about Google and how much of misunderstanding it was and how it should've not happen? Or ss where he tells me I should stop RETALIATING because we are still family etc? Bet he won't want to embarrass his rl friends like that I said, no need to look for a reason to fight in a war game, I'm here:) Btw last time Dis was present in BH was right before we retired it, which was in September, if I'm not mistaken. Alliance was dropped way earlier. Something is wrong with ur story, Leo.
    So much for someone who calls me a lair

    Ryan, I know those 2 bl assassinations hurt ur feelings cos after that I got half of ur 'anti bully' clan in my news but I wouldn't be posting here if my name and a name of my clan wasn't mentioned. Get it right and stop trying ssssso hard to be a smart ass

    Have fun
  17. LOL good try trouble  enough said. You will learn a lesson for being liar 
  18. How do you even get into Yafi? Just have HLBC and apply? Or an interview with HLBC?
  19. lol...Just being HLBC won't get you into a war clan like YAFI/Judgment.

    Really are a beast clan, well done.
  20. Yea, that's why I'm asking smart one. Gosh, so rude.
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