CF Between Osiris and Yafi.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Os-StRaWbErRy-JAMES, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. Wow. It's finally over. You can all have a proper nights sleep now. Respect to all the great war clans involved Playing the game how it's meant to be done 
  2. Oh yes! Congrats and floods of respect to all warriors on both sides 
  3. Respect to all well fought
  4. Yafi...BLOW ME! Keep on hitting suckers!
  5. Wow it is finally over. Kudos to YAFI. That is an example of a great war clan
  6. Someone sounds a little angry lol
  7. That guys still fighting lol
  8. Support os-Yafi_Hunter hit back kill them all
  9. Great job OS and Yafi.  Take a break.
    You deserve it. 
  10. Os-yafi_hunter your are the only warrior in os ,quit os and take the Yafi down by yourself I know u can do it .
  11. Great job Os but EXCELLENT job YAFI - I learned how y'all war 1st hand and hope to only war WITH y'all to goo to go AGAINST!

    Btw go Dukey

  12. wow ... finally .... much respect for both war clans
  13. My appology for Os-yafi-hunter he will accept the decission made by our council or he has to leave. Cheers allEnjoy the game.
  14. Yafi u guys r unreal lots of love n respect️
  15. Appreciate your stance on os-Yafi-hunter - James; I'm seeing some sincerity here by os council - that's a good start 
  16. Ty for the statement OS_Strawberry-James! OS-Yafi-Hunter if u want to war us longer u can always join AAH! Looks like they are desperately looking after mighty mouth warriors like u to rebuild their once but gone fierce and great war clan reputation! 
  17. Yafi hunter can't take down all of Yafi by himself lmao!!!


    He couldn't even land a successful hit on little old me 
  18. No Disrespect meant toward YAFI, But when the war is against a bunch of already stripped or ally less spy builds, with 0 gold out , all you can do is wait for them to open.

    The war lasted was longer due to the fact yafians were fighting a turtle war and OS didn't know how to war that .

    These are of course just my observations of the comments I've read through Forums, no disrespect to any clan.

    Well fought war Os, you too Yafi.
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