Cella, Silph and other top players

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by A_Little_Old_Lady, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. It's a shame that a question that could have led to an interesting response from some of the lb players if they felt so inclined.
    Has been hijacked and turned into a mines bigger than yours contest.

    I have no interest in how much the players mention spend / spent.
    That is no ones business but theirs.
    But the why they play, do they approve of changes and what would they most like to see in the future of kaw would have been interesting.

    I will add that I have spoken to a couple of lb players. And guess what. Some are great normal down to earth people. The same as most people. And one of the ones I spoke to is a total jerk.
    What that means. They are normal human beings just like the rest of us. Just with bigger stats and ally lists.
    Cut them some slack and don't harass players over their spending issues.
    Just be great full they helped make kaw what it is.
  2. Sasuke TZ noted. Thank you
  3. I go by Guatemalan time, luckstar.
    Keep that in mind, k bby? ;)
  4. Ok little special Mister Rogers Buddy. Got it
  5. If I'm Mister Rogers, you're Bill Cosby :lol:
  6. At least I'm getting some Mr. Virgin scared of woman
  7. Vote- how many are tired of seeing Sasuke in forums spouting their crap? Hands up
    And this is from the person who was warned about being forum banned just a few ago. Intelligence is strong in this one
  8. Glad we can stay on topic for more than 30 minutes
  9. Look again, your spelling mistakes are making you sound like a man fondler, buddy.

    *At least I'm getting some. Unlike you, Mr Virgin, scared of women.

    Your version made it seem like you consumate with older gentlemen who haven't ____ before.

  10. Isn't it just glorious?
  11. I can feel the ADD kicking in doe..

    Anyone up for a game of pool?

    Winner plays her
  12. For failing my warning for not staying on topic you will have a forum holiday.

    Next derailing will result in a lock, and another forum ban.

    Thank you.
  13. I vote for this thread to stay on topic.
  14. Edit-orial
  15. I thought this was gonna be a thread about the biggest runners and losers in kaw
  16. Redstar is Bae. Cella is love. Nuff said
  17. Anyone else wonder how much gold cella has out right now ? Constant ally spell, 30 mil sdt and dropping on ally LB  hmm any bigs wanna eliminate some gold from kaw ?
  18. Fake and gay
  19. Just saw a couple of 100t allies with hidden owners. Either she's liquidating and transferring it to Red, or someone's got a new bank. :p
  20. Redstar is actually Dr. Evil. He holds the earth hostage for 1 meellion dollars and then spends the money on kaw.