Cella, Silph and other top players

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by A_Little_Old_Lady, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. ^I think your definition of slander is messed up.

    Besides, how much damage could 3words from someone who rarely plays KaW anymore actually do?

    It's not like I said ____uses bots.
    It wasn't directed at any of the people mentioned.
    I don't like your tone or your accusations, Night.
  2. You are statless now go play
  3. Not at all but ur in denial n if nothing else not being accountable. My tone is on point.
    Keep on backtracking.
  4. ^I'm not in denial, I'm providing reasons as to why you're wrong.

    ...I assure you, I'm not in de-nile...
    There are crocodiles.

  5. Olive branch revoked
  6. ^Yeah, it's probably a good idea if you back out.
  7. Take a smoke break and hit every time
  8. Again Sasuke shows their IQ level
  9. Please stay on topic.
  10. Lmao. Sasuke dumbass still in forums? Why don't we take a collection fund and see who can pound this idiot the hardest. Make it a fun game till the idiot shuts up
  11. Does that qualify Eagle?
  12. LB players are who they are, you don't need to care how they spend their money or play the game. All you need to know or recognize is they largely contribute in keeping the game alive. That's all that matters.
  13. I'll add gold to pound stupid Sasuke into oblivion. And all other accts. They are a waste of space in kaw. Anyone wanting to contribute, please pm me. We need to take a stand, and rid KAW forums of ppl like Sasuke and GrizzledFat, who pollute our forums with awful spam. We as a KAW community have a vote to do so.
  14. ^I'm waiting *yawn*
  15. Luckstar, "they" and "their" are plural pronouns. If you don't know Sasuke's gender, then the grammatically correct, but wordy, way to write about the player is to write "he or she" in place of "they" and "his or her" in place of "their." Alternatively, you can rewrite the sentence altogether to avoid using pronouns.

    I felt this lesson in grammar was necessary because of your insults to Sasuke's IQ.
  16. Ohh luckstar wants some buddies.
    It's okay, I'll give YOU some incentive.

    Luckstar and his little gal pal mighty :lol: warrior are pansies.

    HIT ME, 
  18. Dtw. Go figure
  19. Your inabilities to follow simple rules of grammar (you've made more mistakes that I could correct) and to type outside of a quote box are indicative of your intelligence level.