
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Fix-Lava, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Ye at least we can agree on sherlock to gtfo
  2. Oh yes, he should. Glad you agree with me.
  3. Actually, this is crap on forums. :roll:

    I mean, it isn't like it's a fun 1 vs. 1 when both of you compose most of the posts in this damn thread, is it?
  4. True but theres more characters to use on forums than there is on each others walls
  5. Hey lava, no one cares about ur 1v1 crap.. Im saying if ur such a warrior who knows what his doing yiu will not come to forum chest thumping about hitting someone and anouncing it like u have anything to bragged about.

    Im a newb, but the difference between us is u are a noob! get out u miserable ****. I read forum to learn sometbing and for fun. Ur thread is not fun and full of shitty self centered crap.

    REad my lips.. YOU ARE A NOOB!!
  6. Sherlock you are an idiot GTHO. Besides when a OP of a thread tells someone to get you must do it. It's a Forum rule.
  7. Here is proof of me not knowing Flint or the other way round:

  8. I know i posted the same thing i think
  9. Oh and Sherlock ppl actually do care..... That's if you can read 
  10. No one gives a damn. You hit someone in a war game why don't you both just hit it out 1 on 1 and let this thread die.

    Jesus, does this really need to have a thread? Let's just all get over it shall we?

    Farr out
  11. 9 pages of pure **** mainly just me blabbing on
  12. It's great that you're able to accept it. You didn't make this "awesome" thread anyways.
  13. Lol. Look at you two. You don't even hate each other. Why not just call a ceasefire?
    I've found that I become great friends with people I've warred with. I mean, one of you is wrong, but who cares? just move on guys.

    Farr out
  14. Yeah whatever. Main point was proven that's it
  15. Farr I was hoping for the same at the beginning but how do you want us to end this? I am not gonna say Sorry. If that's what you mean........
    He was wrong........
    I was trying to get it finished from start......

  16. Great, it's settled. Let's get this thread locked, shall we lava? No need to keep it active and people will bump if you don't get it locked.
  17. CDC Ben has requested my help but out of respect for 1v1 I will most likely not be joining
  18. Why don't you both just stop hitting? No one needs to apologize, just agree that someone made a mistake, and move on. Everyones just being stubborn here. Both stop hitting and then your done with it.

    Farr out