
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Fix-Lava, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Nice to see that it's morning at your place......
  2. Lava please tell flint to to attack since i dont have mercs
  3. This isn't facebook. You don't need to tell us about everything you do.
  4. Second from top your using mercs
  5. Shame op isn't keeping it 1v1
  6. Alex I never told anyone to attack/steal........
    If they decide to do it themselves I can't do anything. I don't know who Flint is....
  7. You must want his help then if you don't want to stop him
  8. He also hit me 13 times and 12 successions and he said he hit me 4 times unfortunately i don't have any pics to prove that since of a the attacks after
  9. Ok Alex can you prove I told Flint to attack/steal?

    im a newb a i learn nothing reading from this 2 clowns.. Why dont you post ur victories in each others wall?

    you 2 are such attention seekers.. Gtfo the forum, and come back when u have something ineteresting to say other than your trash talks..
  11. Alex I can tell them to stop I wouldn't know if they want to or not...
  12. You haven't tried to get him to stop via wall nor requested it via thread
  13. You are using your alt......If not show your main. You don't like this DON'T READ IT AND YOU CAN GTHO.
  14. I didn't ask for this I like being in the dark i make living off it. Second off im just posting on this because its got my name in the title and last but not least theres more characters than there is on each others walls
  15. Alex, here you go.
    Flint if you are still reading pls stop because this is a 1v1.
  16. Sorry lava turns out your not
  17. Turns out I am not what?
  18. I saw your wall along with Flint. He said he doesn't know me....