@Ben. Take a screenshot and post if you want people to believe you, otherwise no one will believe you and you will get hated on further. Respect the 1v1 guys. Farr out
If you can't bring those then you are wrong and I don't know how to explain this to you, but someone can hit before I hit you. If someone hit you 20 times. 1 failed at the end you would ask the guy whether he did it or not. Unlike you, you just blamed me. ~Lava
Lol Deadly Alex you hit the nail on the head here mate. You want a 1v1, don't accept help from other players. It's that simple. Farr out
I did accept, but told them to only join in when I tell them. When? When he brings more ppl in and breaks 1v1 until then I will not tell anyone to unload on him. If someone unloads on him then it's their choice, not mine. Just a heads up. ~Lava