Discussion in 'Wars' started by HellFighter, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Please don't say this sounds fun. Don't want devs messing with it๎’
  2. 48 hours you say?
  3. 4 hours.....I do miss 48 hr wars though
  4. I'd love to go 24 hours if we can get 100 vs 100. That would be cool
  5. This sounds like fun. Add me into the list of possibilities, I'll even try to clear up my non-existent schedule for this
  6. You can ask people to turtle for four hours
    [/S] YaY [/sarcasm] 48 hours means people need to sleep /work /school / tend to family.
    If a full clan DOES turtle for 48 hours, they lose at life So no biggie
    We just need the mechanics to match new era.
    ie Block outside /inside hitting
    Big family clans just get subclans to pinn warring members
    Once you hit live, you never wanna go back.
  7. I don't know which is more boring, SH or turtle wars?
  8. Plus I'm not sure if u can hit outside clan still
  9. That great update is EE only
    System is still broken
    Imagine a 24 System war with Rival clan with No Quests, no outside hits Same ko / sko rule with 40-50 minute advantage regen ....
  10. If your clan warred in an Event, and did not participate, ( no outgoing hits) you lose 'Clan' status and turn to 'tribe'.
    Tribe gets you same ebs but can never War again. And never goes on Rival war list.
    One war a week will create a community of clans and tribes in 2-3 weeks.
    One war a week Random 24-48 hours Matched based on Overall strength
  11. Sounds like fun. Bring the old wars back !! even the unlocked ones where you can have mercs involved as well. Count me in for the 100 member system. Bring the system wars back it will only make this game better again ๎€Ž
  12. Yea I'm pretty sure we will have 100 players both sides this Saturday. Just waiting to see which clan wants to challenge us.
  13. This is really interesting. Considering how some of us have no chance in EEs.
  14. I can create a clan on Saturday just for the war and will get ppl from wc and friends if no one wants to create their own clan for war.
  15. Make the clan and I will be there.
  16. HF...still thinking 8 pm on Sat? Also, is that EST?
  17. I got so excited, then I realized it was 4hrs not 48hrs. Then I got sad again. Its a good idea but they days of Real wars are over.
    *goes to pout with dreams of old system wars*
  18. Wait his husband?? What the
  19. Yes, 8pm EST on Sat