Catechism Wars: Week 12 Results

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Belay my last of acoustic sunrise, still art only warred 3 wars
  2. awesome thread 
  3. Ty op for all your hard work and great effort in producing something that the community wanted. A easy to read informative results table. However one thing to bear in mind tho is end results dosnt necessarily show if it truly was a good matchup...likewise the devs seem to forget this! It could be that for some of these wars some of the clans with higher combined stats, equip, bfa arn't just wern't as war effective as their on paper weaker opposition. Or so effective clans narrowed the margin on what was a bad match up in the first place. As others have also pointed out some clans didn't xtal or gave up mid way...relaying just on results is a flawed way to analyse how effective match ups are.
  4. Awesome effort op. a very generous use of your time for the community. Much respect and thank you.
  5. Very good and detailed post, props to op. You do this every week, please? :)
  6. Will do my best, Si 
  7. Thanks for your work on that. Will certainly keep an eye out for future posts from you.
  8. This is an excellent post :D Well done collecting and organizing the data. Very interesting, and I hope data like this can be used to improve the system :)
  9. OMG unicorn love ya :) BG II first LOOL haha
  10. Original Post updated to correct a few errors and add NO MATCHES into the tables. Thx for everyone's feedback!!
  11. DEVS: UPC has proof: please do better with matchups.