Catechism Wars: Week 12 Results

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Op u missed out SEALs in the list i guess...
  2. You're right! And Dragon's Vanguard. I'll make those corrections later. Thanks for letting me know.
  3. UPDATED original post to show how the matchups went.
  4. Spartans of the Under World and Towers of Fail all had very good matches for most if not all of their wars. Takes a lot of discipline to come out on top! Those must have been fun wars to be in!!
  5. Is it just me or does some of those number look like people are fudging the war to get the paladin eb?
  6. Great breakdown!
  7. Wrong info in war 1, Elysium won not lost.
  8. Thanks iAlive. Sorry about that. I'll make the correction. I also seem to have duplicate Art-of-War vs X Factor entries on different days.
  9. UPC,

    Your "finger on the pulse" version of the CWars is enough to drive most into the fray, again, good ****.

    But, to contribute to the opinion of the wars, I have to admit I have completely lost interest in them.

    Perhaps something like -letting us keep the edge after we leave the clan- would entice me back. That would be sweet. It would allow actives to conjure where they please, and the ability to bring your edge home.

    Until then, or if they offer free cookies or something, I'm holding out.

    Gimme cookies, or give me edge.
  10. Uni great work. One small point to note is that Elysium beat Silver, and not the other way around. Again great work.
  11. So here's the result.
    Very nice job unicorn.

    War is not equal.
    War is not fair.

    Now stop the whining.

    We just hope dev's will change who ever that kaw_admin is.

    This is what the community wants to know.

  12. the kingdoms at war development team can only match clans that participate, so, since the number of clans is limited, so to are their options. More participants will yield better matches. I'd like to see over 100 clans participate per week.

    Also, some players lose because they lack experience. This isn't the devs fault, and the lost paladin EB makes up for the sting of defeat.

    Even if you lose, keep plugging away. The matchups get better each week, and as your experience grows, you'll win more. 
  13. Thx OP this was a great read and something we have wanted for a long time.
  14. gr8 job:ugeek:
  15. The large osw has def affected matchups removing the res and zaft clans from the mix. That with many clans taking a summer break from constant ee war has lowered the signup pool. The matchups aren't the devs fault. Maybe not tightening the no match parameters is. If they were using season 1 alg then we'd maybe see as many as 30-50% no match with current participation.
  16. Well, it's true that a larger pool if participating clans would make better matchups and that devs can't be responsible for that.
    But on the other hand there won't be any more clans participating if the rewards don't improve. Since the introduction of BFE in the algorithm the rewards for hardworking ee-players have become even lower. As of now the only real reward is the fun and new players/clans who gets there bums kicked don't really stay in it as long as you need to for the fun to begin.
  17. Wow anyone else notice a clan stormed a 2000% win???? Thats crazy!!!

    Great work OP :D
  18. Wow nice work! Hopefully you'll make one every week and when Season 2 comes out maybe you can add the user who got to level 50 first! :)
  19. would understandable. But ur records for week 12 do not match, art of war only warred 3 wars, not 4, then u have in ur bottom charts with green, red, yellow stats that acoustic sunrise warred battlegrounds II, but never happened? Where are these stats coming from? Semi accurate