Catechism Wars: Week 12 Results

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 27, 2013.

  2. Online spreadsheet that each clan updates w/their info.
  3. The match against tof nearly gave me a heart attac. They caught up 7b in the last 15 mins
  5. Great thread. for the time nd effort putting this together. I'll spend hours sifting through this info, lol ;) Nice to see!
  6. Yay finially found ur thread unicorn by the way great job info that makes sense rather then colored squiggly lines that ur like hmm what's that
  7. Need a war clan
  8. Nice thread 

    La Resistance
  9. Battlegrounds II glad we came out on top
  10. @unicorn When I was looking at the blow out wars this last weekend, I saw a couple of clans that had 2-5 members partially mithed and maybe 8 or 10 that bothered to try and hit for appearance sake.

    A bunch of ppl getting together with no real strategy, just looking to whack other ppl for a couple hours and maybe luck out a win is cool. Planning not to try, wasting other ppls time (you have to prep incase they fight) and showing up 2 hrs later to run VP is not acceptable, in my opinion.
  11. This is freaking awesome. Keep them coming
  12. @ jethro peeps shouldn't war if its not to win. Casting just to "whack" people is weak. U can whack peeps and not war. U war to win always. I don't know any clan in the top division that doesn't play to win every war. If u don't have the mentality that u will win u won't. There are hundreds of good peeps that need a clan to war in. Get medieval on your clannies that suck. Kick them and add peeps that want to win. Plus I see clans with no hitting clannie policies. Those are BS!! How can u test builds constantly if u don't hit each other. If ur clannies won't fix builds hit them til they do. How do u think many of the good clans got where they are. Trust me it wasn't with niceties.
  13. Nice job! It is really nice to see what clans have winning records! Imagine if drama, tension and stress if the win/loss records were kept for a whole season, not just prestige.
  14. This is a great table In minutes I scanned i understood it and gained knowledge from it more than I have from any of the devs posts so
    Why would the devs not produce information like this
    1: not complicated enough
    2: information is power
    3: they like there meaningless graphs
    4: this makes sense and is easy to understand
  15. Awesome post. We needed something like this for a long time!
  16. Nice post great job OP hopefully clans dont turn this into a a bragging rights thread :lol: *cough cough*
  17. Nice job . Wish dev can create a league for us in season 2
  18. You do a better job with war feedback, who needs devs haha, could u get a league from all 12 week's, would be awesometo see who is actually the best
  19. Awesome! I love the league table and stats - very well done OP!

    Have a cookie :)
  20. Great Post Unicorn! Thank you op for all the work you put into this!

    ╠╣╠╣║║║╠ Grounds II
    ╚╝ -WAR- ╚╝