Catechism Wars: Week 12 Results

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Great post, Uni! That took a heckuva lot of work to do, and it shows what most of us have been saying all along. The devs should put you on their payroll, 'cause obviously they just don't have the time to give us more than those Forest Gump graphs, even with all of the stats and info available to them. An actual breakdown with numbers! Imagine that! 
  2. Next time while wars are happening ss the current wars list lol I always do so I can go back and look later lol
  3. I make no comments about how clans choose to use the war system provide by the devs. Whatever works for them. And the winners get the EE bonus. So no complaints. It would be like complaining at the guy who dropped the $100 bill that you find on the sidewalk.
  4. Are you kaw admin in disguise? Great thread though, it's easier to read than kaws statistic threads.
  5. Kaw admin couldn't
    Come out with a thread half as good as this
  6. Wow.

    Impressive thread! You have an unhealthy amount of time dedicated to stats and such.

  7. Don't fool yourself, that is not a dropped $100.00 bill. While others are spending xtal, mith and time to earn their mith, some of these clans didn't mith up, didn't spend the time and obviously didn't xtal, yet reap a reward for no effort (VP mith).
  8. Agree very nice. Shows a much more unbiased overall view than the usual suspects selective complaints about specific clans.

    Hope the devs comment on the logic of some of the larger disparities.
  9. @Jethro...the one time I faced such a clan, they were brimming to the gills with mith. All the attack mith. All the name change colors. Maybe they know something I don't.

    I always assume that VP gives you back the mith you spent plus something more. If that "plus something more" is based on a percentage of mith spent, then it makes sense what they do. If its solely based on actions (like your bonus in EBs) then it doesn't make sense.

    I don't really know. Anyone care to weigh in?
  10. If has nothing to do with actions or percent you did in war. Just give 10 to 15 mith or no mith if you don't put in at least half a load to ensure you ge mith
  11. Or mith spent . Its kinda bad if you spend 30 plus mith and get 15 less mith if you lose
  12. Great post. Thank you OP.
  13. Hope the devs take note of this ... Maybe EE season should be determined by league tables and divisions ie strongest clans division 1 etc may make for fairer match-ups ?good post op thx
  14. @king - yes I thought about this but the devs are at the mercy of who signs up for a particular war. It is wholly different from ASW where they assign you to a clan to participate at a particular time. It would be nice to establish brackets and do a round robin tournament but that would impose participation requirements on people.

    Rancor wars are like a happy medium. I'm sure they are doing the best they can do, balancing maximum participation with their particular match requirements. But it isn't easy.

    We have 40-46 clans participating on a good day. We need 100. Or better, 1000. Let's encourage all to join in on the fun and try to get these numbers up by S3
  15. It's agreed that the info provided here is useful
  16. Humm, bulk of my post did not make it on...sorry. My suggestion was that each clan pm their weekly results to a volunteer / group of volunteers to collect
  17. My posting issues are continuing. Keeps cutting off my msg.......
  18. Ooooo that would be nice. A community driven effort. But it involves the element of trust. The honor system. And this is kaw. There's no honor among thieves .

    And we like it that way