This is an unintended flaw of adding bfe to the equation. Cs and BFA effect your DTS/dtw but bfe does not. I've pointed this out before; also it seems DTS/dtw windows were contracted a bit recently, as one of my smaller war accounts was dtw to many it could hit before. That's all I have to say about that.
Alologies to op bottom 3 were 0/0 so yes were dead weight for the war but when most of clan is ALOT BIGGER THAT'S ThE RISK YOU RUN-- and la res and silver have had many good wars always a good fight -respect to la res
Thanks punch! Always good wars between us - we weren't looking for sympathy, just more info on the mysterious algorithm... I should create a signature that says "no match > mismatch" Until our next way!
I agree always good wars I was just stating the the fact with a bunch of bigs and a few guilds can be risky ( today it seemed to hurt numbers in war )
Yeah - it 'twas tough to be down 3, from the get go... Honestly we just want to know why it was a match. It's cool though. Next war tomorrow! Good luck all!
100,000,000 mil cs = ~5 trillion in BFA/bfe... I don't think we had that much more..... Just saying....