Canadian Parliament Shooting (discussion)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. How is being politically correct a dangerous thing?

    How does that have anything to do with the discussion?
  2. Where was all of Canada's gun control laws on this one? :lol: oh yeah criminals get guns criminally only innocent people buy them legally. Think about this douchebags.
  3. Moose wasn't the guy that got shot, was he?
  4. Solider gets shot?? Was the solider American?? We all know Canada doesn't have soldiers they rely on American troops so I say it's a hoax
  5. Legalize guns in Canada
  6. Voltz your an idiot if you think that's true. Canada has more than 65,000 soldiers, so yes we do have an army.
  7. And loosen gun control laws in America! :D people buy guns legally for protection. Criminals buy them illegally all gun control laws do is take guns away from innocent people.
  8. Hundreds of US soldiers die each year fighting overseas, no press at all. One canadian soldier dies from a lone wolf, and the american press is all over it 2 weeks before an american election. Coincidence? I think not.
  9. Without a means of protection bad things happen.
  10. Universe, tell me how many are killed on home soil in front of government property?
  11. Haterz that should make no difference to the scenario. That is playing favorites with murders
  12. Idk why you're asking the universe just google it
  13. But honestly though, how many are? Cause if there is any, you'd be hearing about it for months.
  14. A murder is a murder when you treat one worse than others your devaluing the lives of everyone else who has been murdered.
  15. Tell the media that wolf.
  16. He wants someone else to do the search for him, cause people on the internet are lazy. Probably never learned research skills in middle school either.

    Had a forum troll a few weeks ago on here that couldn't google "ebola vaccine no market for profit". You're on the internet.. Figure out how to use it.
  17. Wolfle that gun control statement bugs me.

    1. You are legally allowed to own a double-barrel shotgun in Canada. It was obtained through legal means. It was a rifle meant for hunting.

    2. Only 1 person was killed by the gunman

    3. If everyone in the world owned a gun, it couldn't prevent just 1 death. You just can't respond quickly enough if they pull a gun out and shoot. This would have happened even if everyone owned guns.
  18. I died a little inside reading TX-bacons post on the first page.