Zaft could be taken down... If you get hundreds of huge cs people with no life, and don't sleep. If might be possible then.
If kaw goes against zaft and pinned the leader board till they leave might take a year straight of pinning and around the clock with strips to drop them down and they will leave. Zaft could fall but you have to be around 20 clans strong each member over 20mcs all everyday active and money spenders for xtals and its possible.
ZAFT can only be taken down by ZAFT well trained warriors... They will go inactive before disband and more likely will fight for years if needed to till other clans defeat or a mutual cf is met much respect to ZAFT
The reason Zagreb can't be taken down is because any time 1 single person speaks out they farm them mercillessly.
I used to be Zaft. Stil close friends. I used to ee with redstar and laoda. Many ee. No one could hit them. Before updates. I had same build. I was attackers. I couldn't hit them or scout them. Their bfa is way to big. It's dumb even thinking about it. Their admin watch after their big. Start bs with them. Trust me they have funds to strip. Lol. No I'm not picking on my close friends at Zaft. Just stating facts. Hope y'all have great weekend.
Idiots. You think you can hit a lb account op? What about the trillions upon trillions they have in banks in bronze bars? Trust me I've warred them twice to a virtual stalemate they will never fall. You can whittle out a few weaker members at best but those 10-20 players won't stop them. We're all big alliances for a reason, we have the structure to face these issues and continue on. Most of these haters here would probably stand a better chance of getting to the top of the leaderboard than even bothering any big alliance Good day, Slorgg KotFE lord
Can they be taken down? They're people playing a tap tap video game of course they can. REAL empires of hundreds of thousands even millions have fallen. This is just a video game.
Of course they can be beating, there is always someone bigger, better and stronger just around the corner, but can they be beating down in our life time ha haa i don't think so, happy kawing peeps
Well dam, I was about to come in here and say yes of course they can but then I see a lord from the only clan who has a chance at taking zaft down say it wouldn't happen. I do get what he means though, no big alliances can be takenc down because they have far too many dedicated members and can always get more at the click of their fingers.
I doubt you can take down the entirety of ZAFT. A lot of ZAFT are epic battle noobs, most don't really know what they're doing. But let's say 60% enjoy wars. 20% of that number enjoy on system wars only. They want to be able to earn good gold from epic battles and Mithril. They won't enjoy or withstand prolonged osw. The rest enjoy the both of that number (40%) enjoy either only osw or both osw and on system wars. At least a 30% would be used to or able to deal with the prolonged hitting a long osw takes. Meaning, attempting to take them down may eventually make them considerably smaller if you target the right players, but there will be a large enough number of players that will enjoy that osw. You can't destroy a group of people by giving them what they want.