Of course they can be beaten; it's gunna be an expensive war, long time, your gunna need large members, and lots of will power. Not only to mention the WDGAF alliance might get involved if you start to win. However it's so unlikely to happen because Zaft will always have new players.
Zaft is on gaw. Can it be taken down. Yep dev's ending gaw.... Nothing last 4 ever. One day Kaw will end and all us that waisted real cash will have good or bad memories.
Yes. Its very easy. Need just one person tho. One of devs can easily delete and ban them from playing. Terminate any of us too. LoL. Why bother. Just play the game dude.
Didn't read the thread, because the title said enough. Answer is no. Nope. Not a chance. Nah. Never. They're simply too big, with too many allies. All of kaw could unite and it still wouldn't be enough.
Did you actually watch 300 op, cos im pretty sure they lost at the end lol one or two may have taken an arrow to the knee lmao
Only zaft can take down zaft. Osw will not take down zaft - it would have to b internal turmoil within leadership that causes them all to disband. It could happen but I doubt it.
Divide a conquer it happened to the Romans, it would take someone kinda ambitious badass to pull that off, a kaw Caesar if you will.