can we all wake up than hte clans ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by hteprotest, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Maybe I'm just a lazy player these days.
  2. Yep.

    I think people also forget that there is a lot larger percent of the kaw community that can afford to spend a couple bucks when ever they like. its not much different than renting a movie or something similar.

    Pay to play's role will remain a means to have a strong advantage over those who choose not to spend. It is what it is.
  3. yes this is the worst event ever for epics players;

    only different way to get rewards without HTE is join PVP part of event
  4. These are not the droids we are looking for
  5. at least they included ebs. i think it should of been strictly pvp.
  6. Agree
  7. To be honest, Top 100 in EB event is for the biggest Kaw idiots, who the Devs love to see been stupid. Ye spend so much just to be noticed but your forgotten about next week.

    Kuzmich and Duestchland found their brains and seen they were wasting money on crap events and have been replaced by idiots.

    Who remembers these guys been #1

    They found sense and spend wiser, they don't need more Aqua and inferno. DO YOU

    Feel free to criticise or support
  8. Kuzmich's name change was genius :lol:
  9. My bad. It was kuzmich. Tnx for pointing that out
  10. OP! Strip farm all the mods until the devs change this.
  11. Lets remember that it costs around $6 to be in a hte clan for a week.

    That is hardly an extortionate amount of money when you consider what else you will spend $6 on. I drank 10 times that figure last night lol.
  12. This is the reason I've entered the PvP side as with PvE I would be lucky to get 500 but in PvP I'm looking at top 1000
  13. You don't have to be in the top 100 or top 10 to play there game. If you want to get those rewards, then you have to be willing to spend time and money getting them.