
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Narnia123, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. And camping isn't tactical.... It's being a wuss not wanting to get his ass kicked.
  2. We so derailed the thread.....

    So camping huh :roll:
  3. It was eventually going to happen.
  4. *stabs majin2 in the neck...*

    Finally that kid shut up :) jk
  5. Shouldn't this be in Fan Fic?
  6. *kicks austin i balls grow some balls* xD :lol:
  7. Yea but moose hasn't noticed it yet...
  8. Appears in the midst and is wearing juggernaut suits and dual weilding 50 cals and Rains Fire on everyone
  9. Dude please this is Skyrim.

    *shoots arrow to the knee*
  10. Arnt we camping not tokeing about mw3 are bf3
  11. Moose is a mod? LOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess KaW is giving mod-ship away that easily
  12. Dude he earned it, now i think he is doing a better job then you are!
  13. Lol what? Trying to be a mod is the last thing I'll ever do.
  14. Okay mr big ego!

    No wonder why no one on forums likes you :roll:
  15. Thank'd make a horrible mod anyways
  16. L
    You don't know me kid. You don't know.
  17. XD if I was mod I'd abuse my power big time.
  18. Thank God i dont wanna know a pesimistic Pedophile who thinks big of himself so maybe you should just get like the dog you are!
  19. Why so serious?