
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Narnia123, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. *rips out gurillas stomach and takes meat*
  2. *asks Austin for some ham
  3. -throws full propane tank in the fire-
  4. *kicks gorilla in throat for not asking after noticing chunk of ham gone*
  5. Lol that pic was hilarious xD
  6. *takes the ham out of senor's Hand and eats it*
  7. *coughs up blood*
    *asks politely again*
  8. *catches propane tank and throws it back from where it came from*

    *slices up ham into pieces and divvy up meat into equal shares for everyone*
  9. *stomps evil cat thing until it's brains are splattered on my boots*
  10. *Spawns out of nowhere, and takes Gurilla into my place-of-never-ending-torture*

  11. *gets pooped out*

  12. *roasts evil cat thing meat over fire :) *
  13. *Moves **** thread to EMO FF".
  14. *rofls at IGCB knowing that a move was coming eventually*
  15. *shoots Gurilla in the knee*

    ...with an arrow.