calling out Courage

Discussion in 'Wars' started by 0nesy, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. Probably ur best bet
  2. Sigh......
  3. Would I be able to hit him seen as I'm in sub clan?
  4. Lol this is getting pathetic...


    Why does everyone feel the need to "call people out", claim their winning, by making threads about it in forums?? Why do we care? All we see, or all I see, is wannabe farmers looking for respect and trying to boost their reputation by hitting noobs half their size. Don't even get me started the fact that most are spy builds with no allies.
    What? do you think winning against some noob is going to make you a farmer? Then after that you blame KaW and say its full of eb noobs... Well, maybe if you hit someone respectable then you'll see the real KaW. Half the time you hit a noob few times and claimed you've won, you don't even strip. And when you do it's no more than 10b. Honestly, I do 100b on a regular basis and think nothing of it.
    Don't worry, I WILL be compiling a list, a list o all these "farmers" and we'll see how good they ACTUALLY are. I bet I could pin their 3m spy with an attack build with 100k spy attack all day.
  5. ^am I still on that list ? Or have I been removed? ;)
  6. I'm probably at the top
  7. And Val I don't choose who threatens me, I recently fought against LOR
  8. Ya that would be my stupid moments
  9. Val you forgot /end rant
  10. Val some people can't afford those amounts of strips, I couldn't but that doesn't mean I can't war
  11. Yeah wish I could pay for a 100 bil strip 
  12. Reason why I post with a bank is so it doesn't intimidate people as much, means they mouth of to me more ;)

    Get a few guild hansel alts, all hitting haunts and you'll easily fund. I have over 500b just on this acc.
  13. I can't get many alts but I've set up a secret bank that I'm gonna start growing