Calling all ATA players: help us beta-test our newest game!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Feb 1, 2017.

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  1. Grant id like to see kaw but every time u attack u can watch your troops fight the enemy
  2. I have signed up to be a beta tester!
  3. Beta would be fun
  4. Kaws replacement is coming
  5. Nah, this will probably replace meego. They sound like the same platform, with the same building style, but will just be a different adaptation.

  6. That's the right answer
  7. What we get for doing dis?
  8. Im way betta than these noobs at beta. Sooooo you betta pick me
  9. Well, when the new game comes out I'd be willing to bet you get some sort of recognition, and you get to try a new game first
  10. Yup you get early access to the game and a shiny badge on your profile (like the one I have)
  11. Signed up. Being the first to play and figure stuff out is a lot of fun.
  12. Move the non stop events from here to there and I'll sign really I will...
  13. Dont do it. They dont listen to obvious botting reports here so they won't listen to your feedback either.
  14. So after y'all open the new 3d empire this one will shut down or what? Just curious. Not that I am spending much here.
  15. Nobody cares.
  16. How about fixing this game instead of starting another smash
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