Call-Out: Nervere... Or Tiger [1V1]

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BroDanTheMan, Sep 2, 2012.

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  1. Barbie you complain that im hitting him when he is half my size but here you are threating me when you double my size hmmm ok then.
  2. And i dont have the time to constantly hit ebs and grow and ug ect. But i have time to keep doing quick unloads.
  3.  Ermm.. No.
    But you are in a 1 v 1 where you are advertising that you can't play through the week.

    I'd suggest Nerv will be waiting that.
  4. Fight if I was u I would download the program tht hackers use (not going to say which one) or parents to check on their kids so it can ss while u r sleeping
  5. dis 
  6. @gandalf ????? ill pass on that
  7. @barbie and here is nerv in a 1v1 advertising that he will just ignore my hits and he doesnt care. Are you not getting the big picture here

    Today's my birthday :)
  9. ^ happy birthday 
  10. @storm i only wish to fight nerv. I do wish barbie would stay out of it.
  11. Nerv's annoying... But... I dunno... Does this seem positively stupid to anyone else?
  12. And Happy birthday
  13. Thanks Gandalf :)
    Who's Barbie?
  14. Thanks Knight :)
  15. Big picture = funny call out where nothing will happening except more attention for Nerv, with additional chances for him to post the kind of comments that you are calling him out for.

    Yeah babe - I think I see the big picture quite clearly. And it makes me giggle. 

  16. @Fight she wasn't threatening you. She was telling you Nervere is probably going to wait until you aren't around to hit back because you let slip that you don't have time to constantly check KaW. Plus, it's midnight there, and it's 9AM where Nervere is. You'll be sleeping while he's awake. He's just going to wait til you're gone.
  17. Ok then well kaw isnt my life so i wont mind to much. I only mind if stupid annoying comments are made. And yes i see your point and i understand and respect but you obviously cant say the same to where im coming from.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. And I doubt nervere has that much strip funds.
  20. 
    His whole thread is a stupid annoying comment. 

    That's why I like it 
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